Virushka + ICT + Rohika : Care and Love (part -2)

Start from the beginning

The screen erupted in a frenzy of speculation. Everyone had something to say. "Is it a new sponsor?" Yashasvi chimed in. "There have been talks about the team sponsor being addidas...that would so damn cool." He said

Maybe a brand deal?" Shreyas asked. " whatever it's is please no shoots bhaiya they cannot handle my acting talent.

Laughter and good-natured ribbing filled the virtual space.

Suddenly, Mahi bhai, the epitome of calm amidst the storm, raised his hand. The room fell silent, a testament to the respect he commanded. "Alright boys," he said in his deep baritone, "let Virat speak. We can all guess later."

A wave of gratitude washed over me. Mahi bhai, the captain cool under pressure, had saved the day, or in this case, the announcement. I took a deep breath, and with Anushka's hand clasped tightly in mine.

"Bhaiya wait! Shubi nahi aaya abhi tak phone nahi utha raha wo." Ishan's voice came before I could start

Oh shit! Isko nai pata. This people will kill me god. Let me cover up jaldi se.

"Ishu, he is a little tired so he is sleeping." Even though this isn't a lie, technically. I felt kinda guilty but whatever I had to do it so I could live.

Alright, guys," I began, my voice raspy with nervous anticipation. "Anushka and I have some big news to share..."

Anushka squeezed my hand, a silent encouragement. I took a deep breath and continued, "We're going to be parents again!"

The screen erupted in a joyous cacophony. Congratulations flew thick and fast, accompanied by virtual pats on the back and wide grins. But none of the reactions hit me quite like Ro's

Rohit, my ever joyous bestie , froze. His eyes welled up, a flicker of something raw and unexpected crossing his face. Then, with a shaky breath, tears rolled down his eyes. Ritika seeing his state took over, "Congratulations you both, can't believe Vamika will be an older sister already. This is amazing news!"

Rohit finally managed a"That's... that's fantastic, Virat, Anushka. Congratulations!"

I just wish I could hug my Ro right now

Before the moment could get too sentimental, Harry - ever the joker - cleared his throat. "So, Virat," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "does this mean you'll finally have someone to tell you to 'calm down' on the field?"

The tension in the room broke. A guffaw erupted from Ishan, who chimed in, "Yeah, Virat! Maybe a little one will teach you some patience!"

Natasa, swatted him playfully on the arm, a smile tugging at her lips. "Harry! Ishan! Stop it!" she admonished, but even she couldn't suppress a giggle.

Mahi bhai broke the silence, "Cheeks, Anu kiddos I'm so proud of you both. You are great parents. Can't believe my kiddos are having their own kids."

"Yeah bhai Ziva ka bhi time aayega." Jadu piped in

"Chup reh, my baby girl is going to remain like this forever." He quickly asserted

"Aap na delulu ho gaye ho Mahi bhai." Yashasvi said

The chaos of ICT continued as everyone congratulated us. Anushka sat there her head tilted on my shoulder. I pressed a kiss to her forehead as we both cherished this moment with our family.

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