Virushka + ICT + Rohika : Care and Love (part -2)

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A/N: this is part two, so go check out part 1 for a better reading experience!


The morning light felt harsh, casting sharp shadows across the bathroom floor where Anushka knelt, her body wracked with dry heaves. My heart ached in sympathy with each groan that escaped her lips. This damn morning sickness. It seemed determined to steal the joy from this special time.

I knelt beside her, offering a damp washcloth and a silent prayer for the nausea to pass. "Hey, love," I murmured, my voice thick with concern. Anushka looked up, her eyes glassy with fatigue, but a valiant smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Champion of the morning sickness fight, reporting for duty," I announced, forcing a lightness that felt hollow. The truth was, I felt helpless. This first trimester was a battlefield, and Anushka was on the frontlines, fighting alone.

A few hours later, I paced the living room, a knot of nervous excitement churning in my gut. The phone buzzed in my hand, signaling the team video call was about to start. Anushka lay curled on the couch, a pale ghost of her usual vibrant self. Today was the day. Today, we shared the news.

"Feeling any better, baby?" I asked, brushing a stray curl from her forehead.

She cracked one eye open, the effort almost visible. "A little nap helped," she whispered.

"Good," I said, taking her hand, the warmth of her skin a lifeline in the storm of emotions brewing inside me. "Because I have a surprise. The whole team's on a video call in ten."

Anushka's eyes widened. "The whole team, Virat?! I just hope we are not going overboard with telling so many right now, I just don't want to everyone to know yet. I don't want to go through a public pregnancy Virat. You know?

"They're not everyone, love," I countered, my voice thick with emotion. "They're our family. They deserve to know first." I stared out the window, picturing Rohit and Ishan screaming at the top of their voice, Rahuliya not saying much at that very moment but giving me thoughtful smile, Mahi bhai looking like a proud older brother . These weren't just teammates, they were the brothers I'd chosen, the men who'd shared victories and defeats, sweat and tears. I couldn't imagine keeping this news from them.

"Baby, I understand I promise you will have some privacy this time but we gotta tell them na Anu? Please."

"I'm so sorry Vi, I don't know what I was thinking all of these constant rumours and media scrutiny get to me sometimes. Of course telling the ICT is fine they are our family Vi. In fact I can't wait to tell them all, imagine their reactions.

With an amused chuckle I said, " that is exactly what I did now come on, It's time!"

I hit the "connect" button on the video call, and a dozen faces materialized on the screen. Our teammates, our brothers-in-arms, stared back at us with a mixture of curiosity and suppressed excitement.

"Virat, what's going on, man?" boomed Jassi, his voice laced with suspicion.

Harry chimed in after his bestie, leaned forward, eyes narrowed. "Yeah Boss man, is this a strategy meeting before the next match, or something more... personal?" He said with a smirk on this face

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