Chapter Five: Baby, Let The Games Begin

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Sorry for any typos!

"Eli, honey, are you almost ready? We have to be there an hour early so you can warm up!" Taylor yelled towards the stairs at her son who came running down a couple seconds later.

Today was Eli's first football game and to say he was excited was an understand. He was supposedly the "Tight-End" for the team, which Taylor has no idea what that means even though she had Eli explain it to her three times.

"You have everything, buddy?" Taylor asked and Eli nodded. "Yep! All ready to go."

Taylor led him out to the car and they drove off to the school. "Are you excited?" Taylor asked, laughing at Eli's enthusiastic nod.

"Now, you will be very safe, right?" Taylor asked, very seriously and made Eli chuckle in the process. "I mean, I'll try mom, but it's football, I can't promise anything." He shrugged.

"I know, but I still don't trust it. I mean, who likes to talk each other for fun? That just doesn't make any sense to me." She shrugs.

"I do, I guess. Who likes to teach English for fun?" Eli counters and Taylor rolls her eyes. "Oh, sweetie, if you think jobs are fun than I feel sorry for your future." She reached over and rubbed his shoulder with a pout and he rolled his eyes. "Haha, you're hilarious."

They rode the rest of the way in mostly silence with the radio playing in the background. They pulled into the parking lot and got out. Eli grabbed his bag and they walked up to the field where they saw a bunch of people.

"Do you see your coach?" Taylor asked and Eli shook his head while looking through the fields. "Oh, there he is! On the sidelines." He pointed out towards the field and Taylor made contact with the back of Travis' head as he talked to another player.

They walked up towards coach and the other
Player walked away right when they got up there. "Eli! Hey, buddy. You ready?" Travis asked and Eli nodded "yep!"

"Alright. Everyone's starting to warm up right now, so why don't you wait for Henry to put his cleats on and you can throw with him, okay?" Eli nodded and headed off towards where Henry was sitting on the bench, putting his cleats on.

"Hey, how're you?" Travis asked, noticing that Taylor didn't seem to move from where she was standing in front of him.

"I'm good." She paused for a couple seconds. "So, he's gonna be safe out there, right?" Taylor knows she's a worrier and is reading too much into this, but she can't help it. That's her only win that's about to go out on a football field and get tackled by a bunch of people for an hour and a half.

Travis chuckled, honestly finding her anxiousness amusing, and a little cute. "I assure you, Taylor, he'll be fine out there. He's pretty tough. He's not gonna go down easily. Don't worry as much." He shrugged, grabbing his water bottle to take a sip.

"I'll try to be calmer, but I'm going to continue to worry the whole game, there's no stopping that." Taylor replied, adjusting her purse so it was farther up on her shoulder.

"Understandable." Travis chuckled again and Taylor couldn't help but let her heart flutter at how adorable his laugh sounded. Taylor didn't say anything after that and eventually Travis' laugh settled which led them into a somewhat awkward silence.

"Well, uh, I'm gonna go sit down now." Taylor quickly turned on her heels and sped walk over to the benches where she could see Selena Gomez sitting. Travis watched as she walked away with a smile on his face.

He didn't realize he was staring until he felt someone tap him on the shoulder and he swung around. "Oh, Eli! What's up, man?"

"You okay, coach?" He asked and and Travis' eyes widened before he nodded in confusion. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be"

Endgame~ A Tayvis AUWhere stories live. Discover now