Chapter One: Tryouts

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Taylor sighed deeply as she just finished grading the twentieth spelling test. Two more to go, she thought to herself.

Glancing at the clock, it read 3:05. Her son, Elijah, got out of school at 3:00, and since the elementary school and the middle school are connected, he should be walking through the door soon.

A short knock came at the door before it opened and the math teacher as well as Taylor's closest school friend, Selena Gomez, walked in.

"Hey! You still working?" She asked and Taylor nodded. "Yep, almost done though. Just have two more to grade." Every Friday, the kids have a spelling test and Taylor likes to grade all of them that day to go ahead and get it out of the way and let the kids get the tests on Monday.

"Eli's not here yet?" Selena asked and I shook my head. "He'll probably be here soon though. Sometimes he talks to his friends for a couple minutes before heading over." As if in on cue, Eli walked in with his backpack slung over his shoulder. "Hey, mom!" He greeted politely.

"Hey, honey. I'll be done in a few minutes and then we can go." She smiled and Eli nodded, walking to a desk towards the front of the class. "Hey, Ms. Gomez." He greeted her as well. Selena said that Eli could just call her Selena but he insisted on sticking with last names, mostly because Selena was his fifth grade teacher, and it just feels weird calling her by her first name.

"Hey, Eli." Selena smile before turning to Taylor. "Well, I'll see you on Monday!" Selena said goodbye and Taylor smiled. "Yep. See you Monday." Selena left and Taylor quickly tried to finish her papers.

"Hey, mom?" Eli spoke up after sitting in silence for a few minutes. "Yeah, honey?" Taylor asked, not looking up from her papers.

"I was thinking- Uhm, uh, I- well." The young boy stuttered. He was certainly scared to ask his mother to play a sport she wasn't fond of him playing.

"You okay?" She asked, noticing his hesitance.

He nodded. "yeah, I just... I wanna join the football team!" He got out quickly. Taylor's head shot up from her paperwork to look at her son who looked to be sweating. "The... football team?" Eli nodded. "Why do you wanna join the football team?"

"Uhm, because I've always wanted to play but you always said I was too young." He defended and Taylor shrugged. "You still are too young."

"I'm fourteen now, mom!" He exclaimed, and shrunk down in his seat after seeing the glare Taylor gave him. Eli was very aware of the protectiveness his mom had over him, and of course he understood. It's only been them since he was born. And ever since Taylor's last, terrible, abusive relationship. Eli's grown just as protective of his mom as Taylor was of him.

"I know, that doesn't make me worry less." She defends, quieter, which worried Eli. He didn't wanna make his mom upset.

"I know, mom." He sighed, quieting down. "I can try out for the school team, practices are held here and are right after school, so you'll always be in close proximity if something were to happen. But nothing will." He tries to reason with her. And thankfully, she looks to be softening up again.

She sighs. "Well, when are tryouts?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." He replied.

"Tomorrow?! And you're just asking me now?" Taylor facepalmed.

"I was too nervous to ask you incase you would say no!" Eli argues, clearly not helping Taylor's nerves. She laid her head down on her desk in annoyance for a few seconds before looking back up at her son. "Fine."

Eli's posture straightened and a smile graced his face. "Really!"

Taylor nodded. "I guess. You've been begging for years now so I guess I'll let you give it a try. But I will be at tryouts and meeting this coach so I can declare if he's good or not."

Eli chuckled. "Okay, mom."

Taylor went back to grading her papers before she finally finished and put them all in the top drawers. "Okay. Ready to go?"

Eli nodded and stood up, following behind his mom as they walked out of the school, the happy smile never leaving Eli's face

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[The Next Day]

"Eli! Hurry up!" Taylor yelled towards her son as she waited for him by the door so they can leave for football tryouts.

"I'm coming!" He replied, running down the stairs. Everyone was told to just wear workout clothes and everything would be provided when they arrived.

"Okay, ready?" Taylor asked and Eli nodded. They walked out of the house and to the car, getting in and heading to the school.

They arrived at the school and quickly tried to make their way to the football field were everyone was starting to warmup.

"Okay. Now, let me meet your coach so I can determine his worth." Taylor says and Eli sighs. "Really?"

Taylor nods. "Yep. I don't think I've seen him before, around school or anything." She questions. "That's 'cause he's just the football coach, he's not a teacher in the school or anything." Eli clarifies and Taylor nods. "Oh, okay."

They walk up to where everyone is and Eli quickly scampers away to get ready, leaving Taylor to search for the coach.

She eventually spotted a guy that definitely didn't look like a kid, but he was helping a few of them and showing them what to do. One of the kids called him "Coach Kelce." So Taylor started heading his way.

Taylor waited until he was done talking to a kid before she tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around, smiling at her. Taylor couldn't help but get lost in his seafoam green eyes. He had a trimmed beard and not too much hair, but it sat on top of his head and a few strings stuck out over his forehead. "Hey, what can I do for you?"

"Uh, Uhm, hey. My son's trying out for the team, so I thought I'd come and meet the coach, real fast." Taylor said, trying to focus on him and not just his eyes.

On Travis' end, he wasn't doing much better. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes, trying to remain calm. She had pretty, straight blonde hair and a comforting smile.

"Uh, yeah! Hi. My names Travis. Travis Kelce." He smiled softly, reaching out his hand to shake hers. Taylor reached out and shook his hand, smiling back.

"Hey, yeah. I'm Taylor Swift. I'm a teacher at the elementary school and my son wanted to try out for the team. So I thought I'd meet the coach first." Travis nodded and looked out to the sea of kids. "Okay, sounds good. Which one's yours?" He asked.

Taylor pointed out to the crowd to pin point her son. "He's over there in the black adidas shirt and the blonde hair." She pointed out where Eli was, already talking and laughing with another kid.

Travis nodded. "Okay, cool."

Taylor turned back to him and they remained in silence for a few seconds. "Uh, so, you have any questions for me?" He asked awkwardly.

"Uhm, I guess I'm just worried for my son. I don't know about football and how it works. I just know you tackle other people and ram your head into theirs." Taylor said and Travis chuckled.

"I can assure you, ma'am, everything will be fine. I had a full ride football scholarship to college and will make sure all these kids are safe. They might get roughed up a bit, but that's just the sport. Nothing to worry about!" He quickly calmed her fears with his words and smile.

"Okay, yeah, that makes me feel slightly better." She sighed.

"That's good to hear." Travis laughed.

Taylor smiled. "So, uh, I'll just go sit on the benches and watch." Travis nodded and they found themselves staring into each others eyes for a couple seconds longer before Taylor turned to go to the benches, smiling at his son as he laughed and joked around with someone else.

She sat down on the benches and watched as Travis got the kids to huddle up and he talked to them. Taylor couldn't help but stare at the coach as he informed the kids of how practice was gonna go.

Yeah, maybe football isn't so bad after all, she thought to herself.

First chapter done! Let me know what y'all think<3

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