Chapter Three: I Wish You Were a Better Man

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Trigger Warning: Talk of sexual assault

Taylor stared out of her car window towards the football field as she watched her son interact with his coach.

This is the second week of practices, and everyone's starting to get into the rhythm of it all. Games are set to start soon, Taylor just doesn't know when.

She waited in the car for another ten minutes before the practice was fully wrapped up and Eli started jogging to her car, his football gear still on. "Hey, mom." He greeted, closing the door.

"Hey, honey. How was practice?" She asked, starting the car and beginning to drive off towards their house.

"Good! Coach says that I'm doing amazing and that he looks forward to watching me earn the team multiple wins." He smiles and Taylor nods. "I bet. I can guarantee you're the best player in the team." She replies and Eli blushes. "You haven't watched me play yet, mom."

"Yeah, but I'm your mother so I know everything." She shrugs and Eli chuckles.

They make it back home and walk into the house. "Hey, did coach give you your schedule yet?" Taylor asks.

Eli shakes his head. "Not yet. he said they'll be here by Thursdays practice, though." Taylor nodded. "Okay, go shower do your homework and I'll start dinner at 5:30."

Eli nodded and ran off to his room while Taylor heading off as well so she could change into more comfortable clothing. Afterwards she relaxed on the sofa until it was time to start dinner. After watching a couple episodes of Friends, 5:30 came and Taylor went to the kitchen to start dinner.

The meal for tonight was lasagna, which took around thirty to forty five minutes to make. The food was finished cooking at 6:13 so Taylor called Eli down to eat. "Eli, dinners ready!"

A few seconds later, Eli came jogging down the staircase. "What are we eating?"

"Lasagna." Taylor replied and Eli smiled happily "yes!"

Taylor chuckled. "Set the table, sweetheart, and I'll have the food out in a second." Eli nodded and grabbed a couple plates, glasses, and silverware to bring to the table.

Taylor walked in not long after and set the lasagna dish and a spatula in the middle of the table. "Dinner is served!"

"Thanks, mom." Eli quickly grabbed the spatula and got out a slice for both him and Taylor before Taylor had a chance to grab it. "No problem, sweetie."

They began to dig in while making small conversation. "So, what's happening at school?" Taylor asked and Eli started to launch into a story about something that happened in his English class.

Taylor tried to pay attention but couldn't help but get lost in her thoughts. I can't believe how lucky I am to have the most amazing kid, especially since the beginning of his life was definitely not easy, she thought.

As she kept thinking about how her and Eli's life turned out, she couldn't help but think about the beginning of their journey, and how Taylor didn't even know if she would be able to make it at all.

                                       Age: 19

Taylor stood up from where she was hunched over the toilet bowl and walked over to the sink to wash her mouth out.

Since she woke up this morning, she's been feeling terrible and throwing up constantly.

"What the fuck is going on? I was feeling fine a couple days ago." Taylor groaned before her eyes widened and her heart felt like it was about to skip a couple beats. "No, no, no, no, no." She said repetitively, trying to count the days in her head.

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