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Valeria had not been at this celebration for long, and already she wanted to leave

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Valeria had not been at this celebration for long, and already she wanted to leave.

She had sent Selene away to do whatever she liked while Ser Desmond stood off to the side with the other knights watching over. It was a strange comfort for her to know that no matter where she went, at least he was watching.

If I start twirling my hair in my finger, save me from whatever Lord or Lady I'm with, she had told her sworn guard. And she swore he cracked a smile.

She'd get him to laugh one day.

To avoid looking like a sore spot, Valeria sat with Helaena her sisters in law. She was pleased with the company, and found that she liked to play with Helaena's children—Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, little dragon twins.

Helaena herself was quite like Alina, in which they were both bubbly and kind and seemed content to live and let live. She seemed more interested in showing Valeria a millipede she kept as a pet rather than the feast in general, which Valeria indulged her in.

"It has many legs, and no eyes," the targaryen princess was telling her with fascination.

Valeria allowed the millipede to roam onto her flat palms, smiling softly as she looked between Helaena and the delicate creature. "And why is that, do you think?" she asked her softly.

Helaena smiled back at her. Her eyes gleamed with content and happiness that someone seemed truly intrigued with her hobbies besides her dear husband. "It is beyond our understanding," she said to her.

"Papa!" Jaehaera and Jaehaerys waddled their way over to their father whom approached with a kind smile and hair almost as dark as Valeria's—his name was Jacaerys Velaryon.

Jacaerys was one of Princess Rhaenyra's children, her eldest son. He resided here only for another few days before he was expected to head back for Driftmark. He'd only been here for Aegon's wedding, as a show of good faith or some such.

She thought him quite kind, actually. Nothing like his Targaryen uncles.

"Children," Jacaerys remarked with a handsome smile and brushing his fingers through her hair. His eyes lifted then to the two women. "My wife. Princess," he regarded Valeria with that same smile.

"Prince Jacaerys," Valeria greeted kindly in turn while handing the millipede back to Helaena.

"Excuse my intrusion, but it is time for us to head for the Dragon's Pit to head back for Driftmark." Valeria nodded to him while he held out his elbow to Helaena. "Come, my love..." his eyes filling with fondness while watching Helaena stand and take his arm.

"Send letters, Valeria," Helaena called back to her.

Valeria smiled as a goodbye, watching them leave to say their goodbyes to the others. Now left alone again, she sighed and looked around with a bored expression.

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