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Sitting across from the Queen Alicent was perhaps the most uncomfortable Valeria had ever felt since her time in King's Landing.

She could take on Aegon or even, Aemond. If need be.

But this was the Queen. With a snap of her fingers, she could have Valeria imprisoned, fed to hounds, burned by dragons, or whatever else would have her mind's delight.

Yet, Valeria sat there with a cup of tea in her hands while Alicent smiled at her softly. Her handmaidens standing behind her and Ser Criston Cole standing by the door, watching.

Selene was in the room, too. She was pouring more tea for the Queen with nervous hands, looking at Valeria quietly. As if she wanted to somehow save the Princess from this awkward meeting.

"Aegon tells me you two performed your duties well on your wedding night," Alicent spoke as she sipped her cup. "I would like for you to see the Maester in two weeks time. The duties of bringing an heir for my son is of utmost importance, do you not agree?" She looked at Valeria pointedly, as if expecting only one answer.

Valeria swallowed thickly.

She had to lie, because Aegon lied. There was no other way around it.

He had told her that their duties were expected to be done that night. But she had refused and instead bargained for her maidenhood.

Why did Aegon lie to his mother? Surely it wasn't to save Valeria from trouble.

"I agree," She answered.

Alicent nodded with a pleased smile. "When I first married the King, I spent the first two months in his chambers every night. Do you not find comfort in doing the same with Aegon?"

Like seven hells. She thought.

That sounded like her own nightmare. To have to sleep and wake in his bed, to his face and his silver hair.

Valeria knew this wasn't a suggestion—no, this was Alicent telling her what to do. To anyone else, this sounded like the Queen speaking so sweetly to her daughter-in-law, but for Valeria it felt like another slap of shackles on her wrists.

"I do not think my husband would be fond of the idea." It was a half-truth, at least she thinks. "Truth be told, your Grace..." It felt odd to call this lady Queen, when Valeria thought of her mother as hers. "...Aegon likes his privacy."

"So he does," Alicent agreed with that much. "Yet he is not very good at being private. He is the Heir. One day, he will sit the throne after his father. He needs to learn that anything and everything he does reflects the Crown. As do you."

And there it was.

Valeria squinted and scowled a little. "...I beg your pardon?"

"I heard you were seen on the Street of Silk, making a fuss in a brothel," Alicent stated. She looked a bit sick. "A proper lady should know tact and not bring shame unto herself nor her house."

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