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Two days later, and now only six days remained before she would have to consummate the marriage between her and Aegon.

Truthfully, Valeria wasn't looking forward to it.

The other night after she and Aegon had such a nice conversation had her mind all jumbled. He was her captor, her prison was within his home—but she couldn't deny that she was smiling and laughing with Aegon. And even later that day, she had smiled every time she thought of it.

She couldn't let herself be blinded by his charm. She had to remember who he was, what he was.

And so, she largely avoided Aegon since that night.

But, this morning she couldn't avoid him.

"It is a gathering in the Godswood, Princess," Selene explained while tying the corset of her dress from behind. "The beginning of another Spring without winter. The gods have blessed us well this harvest so we thank them by hosting a prayer."

The fabric squeezed tighter around Valeria's waist while she leaned on the table, bracing herself with small grunts.

"I might need a prayer or two to get through the day in this horrid dress," she whined, her hands gripping the table. If she turned her head, she would see the mirror and her reflection. Her tanned skin and brunette hair made her look more the seductress because of the red and black fabrics of the dress. To make it worse, the Targaryen sigil was embroidered in the front chest area, drawing eyes and all to show who her tormentors were. "I do not like these colors," She said to Selene sadly.

Why could she not wear golds, purples and violets, or pale pinks?

Red and black did not suit her.

Selene gave her a sad look, about to open her mouth to speak. However another voice came from the doorway.

"I think they suit you well."

Valeria looked back, and when she saw him, she rolled her eyes and faced the mirror again

Aegon was leaning up against the doorframe, watching Valeria, his dark eyes intent and focused. He was smiling to himself. He hadn't intended for her to see him this early, but he would take advantage of the situation.

"Have you no manners as to just waltz into a lady's room while she is being dressed?" She said, annoyed.

His smile widened. It held all the allure and charisma that she was afraid of indulging in. "Oh, I have manners, certainly. I just chose to dispense with them in order to get a better view." He steps forward, taking her hand and lifting it up to his lips.

She glared at him while secretly burning when his lips touched her knuckles.

She nodded to her handmaiden. "Selene, will you give us a moment?"

THE ATTACHMENT > AEGON TARGARYENWhere stories live. Discover now