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My heart was aching to see Callie but between work and keeping in close touch with Nik all week it just didn't happen.

That was my fault.

I should have told her right away what happened.  I could acknowledge the Kelly drama was festering inside me because I needed to see Callie and would not allow myself to rely on her.  She has so much to juggle as it is.  I've tried to not be a burden but as soon as she pulled me into a hug when I arrived at her house I knew it was wrong to hold back.

By the time we were sitting on the back deck I was ready to be more open.  Callie seemed anxious and it made me wonder if anyone else mentioned the drama last Saturday.  I could see from the bags set aside for donations that she has been busy all week whenever she had the chance to get something done.  Between that and tying up the school year there is a lot to juggle.

"So, last week at family dinner it seemed to go smoothly until once we were done eating," I began, setting down my beer and pivoting my chair on the deck so I was facing Callie more fully.

Her blue eyes studied me in a way that made me uneasy, but I had to continue.  "Uh, I went to the bathroom and Kelly shoved herself in with me.  Said she wanted me but I texted Nik and spoke loudly that I was not interested.  I don't know... it all happened really fast.  Nik came to the bathroom and opened the door as she was trying to lock it.  Kelly immediately said I came onto her but obviously that was a lie."

Callie had a crease between her brows and leaned forward, staring at her hands.  "What happened next?"

"Everything fell apart.  Nik left then I did, too.  Kelly begged me to give her a ride but I said she could call an Uber.  Mamochka texted Nik and me that they called a car for her so she was on her way back to campus."  I paused, then reached out to take Callie's hand.  She didn't fight me but seemed distant which stung more than I expected.  "I got back to work and spent hours with blinders on just trying to drown out the mess Kelly created.  Nik and I have been texting a lot this week, too.  I apologized to him but he reminded me it wasn't my fault so he's been struggling to figure out how to handle everything.  Kelly was still knocking on his door and trying to gaslight him even right when she got to campus on Saturday."

She nodded, "Yeah, on Monday at class she came up to me..."

Callie hesitated and I felt my stomach lurch with what could have happened.

"Please, Callie... what happened?"

Her blue eyes met mine as she let out a long breath.  "Kelly asked me why I never told her you have such a big dick.  I told her we never dated but of course she didn't believe me.  When Nik avoided her at class I had a feeling something went sideways."

I let her words wash over me and pulled back then stood, pacing the length of the deck.  "I should have known.  I should have told you right away.  I guess I figured if I got busy with work then I'd feel less gross about how everything went."

Callie nodded but she stayed in her seat, sipping her beer.

I've known her long enough to be decent at reading her emotions.  Right now, though, I can't tell what's on her mind.


She looked up and had a blank expression on her face.  I continued, "I didn't do anything..."

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