13 Me SUS...Nooooo

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Izuku POV

Some weeks passed and I made some friends 

I have to act as normal as possible so I am trying to have friends. I sit in the middle of a lively group of students, including Ochako, Iida, Todoroki, Tsu and me. We are sitting at lunch. They share their experiences during training, and Iida mentions that some students who have trained less have not achieved so good results and only students that trained much have good results like Bakugo.

Me that I am listened quietly, finally asks.

Me: Do you really think that those who have trained less achieve such bad 

Iida: Yes, the training and preparation are crucial for our progress and achievements.

I lets these words affect ne for a moment before I asks another question. 

Me: Do you think that someone without Quirk, quirkless, could also provide such services?

Iida I warn you be carful when you answer this, if you don't want a enemy 

Iida don't hesitates before answering.

Iida: I don't think it's so easy for quirkless people, especially when it comes to physical challenges that support our quirks. I think it is impossible and they only would be in the way


Todoroki, who has listened in silence so far, add.

Todoroki: It's definitely impossible for quirkless people. There are no examples of quirkless heroes who have achieved something through their perseverance or skills. 

Tsu: It is important to realise that strength depends only on a quirk, but also on the determination and will of an individual to improve and fight.

Ochako: Are there still quirkless people at all? I thought they had become so rare that they were almost extinct.

From today, I'm a T-rex or what? I am in front of you

Me: Perhaps quirkless people have become rarer, but that does not mean that they have no chance to prove themselves and achieve great things. Ultimately, it's about how much you are willing to fight for your goals and make an effort.

Tsu: I don't think so

Iida: A quirkless kid probably would have not survived the exam.

O really I didn't noticed that I died in the exam. Am I a ghost?

Ochako: I'm glad there was no quirkless person in the exam, maybe I could get infected with them.

What the hell

Me: Ochako being quirkless is not contagious.

Ochako: I'm still sorry for those who are quirkless that they are such a bad disease.

Me: You know that this being quirkless is not a disease.

Breathe in and out no killing.

Tsu: Really? Being quirkless must be a bad disability.

Arghhhh I am trying to be calm it is hard don't make it more difficult.

Me: You maybe already know that there was a certain theory that people were all quirkless and a baby was born with a virus so that it glowed. The glow of the baby was a disease that you could only get genetically. Over time, this virus was carried by grandparents to parents to children and so on until the virus slowly modified. The virus gave no negative effects and has no effect on health, it has modified so much that it has modified to the quirks we have today. So logically speaking, the quirk is a disease

Todoroki: This is an interesting theory

Ochako: Eww that means my quirk is a disease.

Iida: I have also heard about this theory, but it is only an insignificant theory.

Me: The theory was proven exactly 3 years ago by scientist .

Tsu: Wow no wonder Bakugo calls you nerd

Breathe in and out. It would be very SUS if you killed your classmates.

Todoroki: Midoryia is something wrong with you.

Wrong with me. Look in the mirror. The first time I saw you I thought your quirk was having daddy issues.

Me: I'm fine, but I'm suddenly no longer hungry.

Ochako: Are you okay, should I take you to Recovery Girl?

Me: NO! ... I'm fine. Bye

I didn't want to be SUS, it looks like it didn't work that way. Has.

In the hallway I meet a girl who looks like something has exploded.

Me: Are you okay?

Girl: Yes, nothing bad that happens to me all the time. Hey, aren't you the boy who was dragged through the hallway by Midnight.

Me: Wow, how did you recognise me? Was it my beauty?

I said as a joke.

Girl: No, it was your bright voice.

Me: Och

Girl: I'm Mei.

Me: My name is...

Mei: Izuku

Me: Really? I didn't know that.

Mei: You are famous throughout the school

Me: Well, great

Mei: You have a very cheerful character and your smile is contagious, you have become the sunshine of the school in a few weeks.

Me? ...A  Deku?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora