Chapter 24: Mindless

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Ravonna walked towards the Time Theater the Variant was in, trying to forget what just happened.

She wasn't sorry for what she did. Everything was spiraling into chaos right now, all because of those Variants. Once they were gone, everything would go back to normal.

You did what you had to do, dear. The voice said. He knew too much.

And as soon as everything was sorted out, she would find out who this voice belonged to.

He had been speaking to her ever since the timeline was bombed. But every time she tried to ask him for his identity, he would fall silent.

Maybe she was going insane.

She shook her head.

She needed to sort everything out. Now.

Eventually, she made it to the Time Theater, but something felt off.

The Variant was just sitting there, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. When she saw Ravonna, she smiled, a devilish glint in her eyes.

She was planning something. Then Ravonna saw it.

Her hair was wet.

"Who was in here with her?" Ravonna demanded.

"Sorry, ma'am," One of the guards responded. "B-15 insisted."

Ravonna let out a nervous breath.

They all know too much.

"Put out an alert for Hunter B-15," Ravonna instructed. "She too has been compromised by the Variant."

The Minuteman nodded and hastily went off to carry out his order.

Ravonna turned back to the Variant. Her head was tilted a little. She was amused by Ravonna's nervousness.

Ravonna sighed. It didn't matter.

She would be gone soon enough.

Sylvie was being taken down the halls of the TVA, restrained by two Minutemen.

She wasn't the least bit worried. For herself, anyway. She and B-15 had formed a plan.

Loki, however, was a different story.

Did they hurt him? Was he all right? Where was he? What would happen to him if something went wrong? If their plan failed?

Stop worrying. She told herself. It'll be okay.

They rounded a corner and Sylvie couldn't help but sigh in relief. Loki was there, standing in front of the golden elevator. Renslayer was there too, watching them both carefully. Even though he was being restrained by Minutemen, at least he was near her again.

The soldiers that were with Sylvie made her stop beside Loki. She looked over towards him.

"You okay?" She whispered. He looked up at her, but he didn't answer her question. Instead, he scanned her from head to toe, checking if she was hurt. When he locked eyes with her again, she saw it.

The bruise on his cheek.

They hurt him.

Her eyes widened at the sight, but it was what she saw next that did it for her.

A tear fell down his face.

What happened? Did they show something to him? Did they say something before they hurt him? Was he hurt anywhere else? Who did this?

All the questions swarming in Sylvie's mind almost made her lose focus on her plan. She needed to focus. She needed to get Loki out of there. She needed to finally end this.

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