Chapter 14: Love is...

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"What?" Sylvie said. "You're what?"

"Yeah." Said Loki. "I'm a Frost Giant."

Sylvie stared at him, her mouth hanging wide open. She didn't say anything for a while. It was as if her brain was trying to process a new language.

"How?" She asked finally. "How? How can you be a Frost Giant? You're short, you're skinny—"

"No, I'm not." Loki interrupted her, sounding offended.

"You're a twig," Sylvie said bluntly.

Loki wanted to tease her back. "I bet I look like a giant to you from down there." He chuckled. Author: *cries in 5'1* okay please continue.  

"P*ss off." Sylvie groaned as her friend laughed in satisfaction.

"But he never told you?" Sylvie asked.

"No," Loki answered. "No, he did not."

"Typical," Sylvie muttered.

"I was already distant and cold by then, but that did it for me," Loki explained. "I tried to destroy Jotunheim in my anger, and Thor stopped me by destroying the Bifrost. We both fell off of it, but Odin caught us. I told him that I did it for him, for all of Asgard, but he rejected me again. So I...I let go."

Realizing what that meant, Sylvie took hold of his hand again and squeezed it.

Loki went on to explain how he was caught by Thanos and how he attacked New York. How his brother and the rest of the Avengers stopped him. How he got ahold of the Tesseract and escaped, only for the TVA to arrest him. He told her about Mobius, the things he learned about the TVA. Everything.

"But..." Loki said. "If things went according to plan on the Sacred Timeline...I would've been taken to a cell on Asgard."

"One day...the Dark Elves attacked, and I thought...I helped them, and I thought I was sending them to Thor, but instead..."

He swallowed a lump in his throat before continuing. "I sent them to her, Sylvie. I sent them to Mum. They killed her. I'm so sorry."

Frigga was the closest thing Sylvie had to a mother since her mother died when she was a baby. She treated Sylvie like the daughter she never had, so Loki knew this would be hard for her as well.

Sylvie seemed shocked, but she didn't pull her hand away from his. If anything, she held his hand tighter.

"You didn't kill her." She said. She sounded so sure about that.

"Yes, I d—" Loki started to say.

"No," Sylvie said, more firm this time. "You didn't."

As Loki looked at her, he could see what she meant. He would never kill his mother. Not if he knew it was her. Once again, she held his gaze until he nodded.

A memory ran through Loki's mind again.

One day, when he and Sylvie were children, Sylvie showed him a picture of her mother.

And now he was seeing that same picture. In Sylvie.

Sylvie had resembled her father more when they were younger. They had the same brown hair and a similar face. But now, Sylvie was the spitting image of her mother, with curly blonde hair and bright green eyes. She looked like a gentle and kind person like her mother did in that picture.

It was sort of comforting.

Fireworks shot out of Sylvie's fingertips and Loki couldn't help but smile. They always did that to cheer each other up.

"Thank you." He whispered. Sylvie gave him a nod in response.

"Can we change the subject to something happier, please?" Sylvie asked with a chuckle.

"So..." Loki said once he saw that she made the fireworks disappear. "Where'd you learn to do enchantments? I never taught you that. I don't even know how to do that."

Sylvie grinned. "I taught myself."

"You taught yourself that magic?" Loki asked, surprised.

"The student has become the master," Sylvie said triumphantly.

"Well, I'm not so sure about that." Said Loki. "But, I must say that is impressive."

"You have to learn things quickly when you're running for your life from apocalypses constantly," Sylvie said with a shrug, as if surviving apocalypses was just a daily chore.

"A pity the old woman chose to die, don't you think?" Loki said.

"She was in love." Said Sylvie.

"She hated him." Loki corrected her.

"Maybe love is hate." Sylvie pointed out.

"I should probably remember that." Loki conjured a notepad and quill. "What was that? 'Love is hate.'"

"Oh, p*ss off!" Sylvie scoffed. Loki smiled and put the notepad away.

"On the subject of love," said Sylvie. "You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses, or perhaps, another prince." Her mouth turned upward into a mischievous smirk.

"A bit of both," Loki confessed. "But nothing was ever..."

"Real?" Sylvie finished. Loki nodded.

"Love is mischief, then." She concluded.

"Love is..." Loki trailed off, thinking about what he was going to say. "Something I'm going to have to think about."

Sylvie yawned and blinked hard.

"Tired?" Asked Loki.

"Can't sleep here." She replied. "We can't trust anyone on this train."

"You can trust me," Loki told her. "You should get some rest."

With a grateful smile, Sylvie laid her head down and passed out.

Two chapters in one day! WOOOOO!

Feel free to let me know what you think!

—Blue 💙

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