Chapter 9: Sudden Danger

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Silvera looks tired. I wonder if she'll make it through the banquet. Good thing there's a nice, long siesta between now and then. I can already feel the cool bed sheets, compared to the dusty air down in the city.

She smiles faintly seeing me, and falls against me, as I listen for anyone who might hear her. She lets her weight fall onto me, and I hold her, supporting her, listening to her complaints. I don't want her in my room right now, I have stuff not hidden well enough to have her in there, and despite the lack of people I don't want to stay out here.

But, if we're in her room, it's harder for me to escape, I weigh it up, but feel Silver almost falling over in my arms, so I judge I should probably just do something before she falls over.

I loop an arm around her waist, letting her lean on me as I fumble for the key to her room in her robe pocket. I fish it out, slowly edging to the door, feeling with the end of the key for the lock, wincing at the noise of scraping metal, and not just because it's painful to my delicate sense of hearing.

I push the door open with my shoulder, grabbing the key from the door as I click it shut, leaning against the door for a second to avoid disturbing Silver. 

I'm fully capable of picking her up completely, but even in this state, I'm pretty sure Silver would notice. And my physique is slim and deceptively fragile looking for having witch strength. I rest her on a chair, supporting part of her weight, and shaking my arms for effect, but I don't think she notices.

I pull off her robes, knowing exactly how to do it, with practiced efficiency. She nearly falls forward, but I push her legs to one side and sit forward, because I'm not risking her face planting onto the unforgiving stone floor. She leans against me sleepily as I start unpicking her hair from it's veil, pulling the cloth off.

Her hair curls so easily. It looks good with her face shape, I mull, as I comb it through. It's softness always amazes me. It's thick, but orderly, and when it does get knotted, I don't mind sitting with her as I tease each strand back to the shimmery, wavy way it usually is.

I wrap my fingers through it, deciding to braid it, since it feels kind of oily, and that means it will tangle. I finish, and let it hang over her shoulder, as I locate a nightgown. Silk, lucky her, Pralli gets a cut of textile trade running through the border.

I slip the garment over her head, and she falls against me, I catch her, setting my chin above her head so I can tie the ribbon on this thing so she doesn't choke. She always had a fondness for ribbons that I never really understood, but entertained anyway.

Her breathing is regular now, and I place a hand on her chest, feeling it rise and fall softly against me, a heartbeat pulsing underneath the surface of her skin in a dance of blood and sound. I like Silver's heartbeat. Just hers. Not sure why though.

She's asleep, so I pick her up gently, maneuvering myself so she lies on top of the sheets, the right way up. I arrange the nightgown so she's decent. I'm lucky she's a heavy sleeper.

I really shouldn't have carried her like that, she could have noticed, but I can wave it away if she brings it up. I run a finger across her forehead, from side to side, trying not to be ticklish. I hum absent-mindedly, low enough so it won't disturb her.

I probably have to go now, so I fold her robe, and leave it on the chair, along with the veil. I look back at Silver, dumping the key on her desk, and I kiss my thumb, pressing it to her lips. I turn away, but her fingers grip my sleeve, and I have to coax them away as I shut the door quietly.

I wish I could lock that, but closed will have to do. I walk to my door, but hear shoes on the corridor. No-one is allowed here but me and Silver, apart for cleaning people one a month, and that was a week ago, and this corridor is out of the way.

Whoever that is came down here deliberately.

I'm senior to everyone here, save for the three priests, but they're not here, and any one else is managing the banquet, so I wait to see who it is, and claim I got here late.

Soon, someone comes into view, and I immediateness regret my choice, as it's Moreno. He lights up seeing me, and almost runs down the corridor.

My suspicions about him knowing my secret fire up, and I put on a questioning smile as he stops a little farther away, just far enough so that he's out of range of a well-aimed kick. I'm pretty sure no-one but Silver would hear me if I screamed, so it's just me, him, and the eel spirit stirring in the spirit world.

His dark hair covers his eyes, and I flinch as he lunges forward, holding my hand in his grip, a smile on his face that scares me only slightly less than the almost insane glitter in his eyes.

His breathing is ragged, and every muscle in my body tightens as I prepare for any outcome as his grip on my hand increases even more.

My brain screams for action, and my heart pounds so hard I can feel my pulse twitch in the fingers of the hand secured in Moreno's vice-like grip.

He smiles widely, and looks directly at me, and at that very moment, I'm almost certain he knows what I'm hiding, and my smile becomes uneasy.

I have to keep the act up, I can still save myself.

I look longingly at the end of the corridor, as shock registers from movement.

My arm jerks hard, and I'm horrified as I'm pulled after it...

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