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Author’s Pov

“You've lost your mind!” Morpheus sighs slumping down on the chair.

Zephyr exhales a breath and kneels in front of his father grabbing his hand. “Trust me dad, my head’s finally in the right place.” 

Morpheus shook his head. “This is not how you show love to her. You can't force her to stay-”

“I don't know any other way.”

“You made it worse by killing a human in front of her, Zephyr. No sane person would appreciate such authoritative psychopathic behavior.”

Zephyr got back up to his feet and grabbed the bottle of wine from the mini bar in his office. “It was necessary. And please don't tell me I shouldn't have killed that bastard.”

“I’m not saying you shouldn't have killed him —it’s not like it was your first murder.”

Morpheus didn't support his sons’ Mafia career. From their teen years he was worried they’ll get involved in illegal activities but he hoped his parenting would be a reminder to opt for the opposite.

He first caught them selling drugs when they were just fifteen. It wasn't entirely a shock to him as his sons weren't the typical good kids from a very young age. He tried getting the situation under control but his sons were born rebels.

When he got to know that the three men had gotten into contractual killings right after highschool, there were thousands of arguments every day and each time it was concluded that none of them would stop trying to acquire the wealth and power they desired.

When Angela’s delivery was due in just a month, the brothers knew they’ll have to move out if they don't want to live with a kid and that’s what they did. Morpheus also wanted to distance Athena from them because at that time, they were just local criminals who could invite trouble to the ones around them.

But that wasn't the case anymore. They'd established a name for themselves and became the Mafia leaders. No one could touch them now which means bringing Athena back didn't seem like a bad idea.

He couldn't stop them so he eventually accepted his power hungry and sadistic sons.

“But you could’ve done it in private. She would’ve thought you just fired him.” Morpheus added.

If he had a chance, he would’ve opted to kill Eric himself. But the two times he found out about a pedophile in his granddaughter’s life, he had to remind himself that Athena needed him and he couldn't go to jail.

He was positive his sons won't let him rot in a cell but he still couldn't go through with a murder. Like any normal human being, it was hard for him to take a life.

He considered asking the Konstantinos brothers to carry out a murder or two for him but he felt disgusted thinking of encouraging his sons for such a filthy act.

“Now it's already happened so why argue about it?” Hades interfered before Zephyr gets more frustrated with the conversation.

“Because he’s traumatized her. I haven't even met her yet but I know she's gonna be so out of sorts.” Morpheus spat the words at them.

“None of this would've been necessary if you weren't so lenient with her.”

Zephyr knew it was wrong to blame his father when he's done way more than anyone in this room. But he was the one who's seen Eric on top of her and the image was haunting him to the core. He needs to sort out everything as soon as possible, no matter how low he’ll have to stoop for it —whether it's forcing Athena to stay or arguing with his father.

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