"Friends" - Hawks 🍋

Start from the beginning

As we reached solid ground, he released me abruptly. "Walk." He barked, shoving me towards the deserted street.

My body obeyed on autopilot, each step I took was big and quick in order to put some distance between me and the man who held my fate in his hands.

"See," He finally rasped, his voice a distorted whisper like dead leaves rustling in the wind, "This was our little trust exercise. It surely builds character, wouldn't you say?"

He chuckled, a dry, hollow sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Maybe next time, you won't bring that pathetic little things to defend yourself with, huh? And then we can play a more interesting game."

His words sent a fresh wave of terror crashing against me. "What kind of game?"

I looked back at he was smiling. "Where do you live, y/n?"

I stopped walking. I glared at him and he started back with ease, his hands in his pockets. "We do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours."

I flinched back. "Just a few blocks from here..."

He chuckled, a dry, hollow sound. "How convenient. Saves us time, won't ya?"

The walk would soon become a reason of why I'd die from a panic attack. He would point at every darkened doorway, each vacant lot choked up with weeds. "Perfect places for a little scream to go unnoticed, wouldn't you say?" He'd cackle, thinking his jokes were funny.

Each horrifying suggestion chipped away at my sanity. Tears filled my vision, blurring my line of sight further. Finally, we reached my apartment building. A sliver of hope flickered within me. Maybe, just maybe, I could make a run for it inside and reach my apartment safely. But from the looks of it, the chances are slim.

"Here?" Hawks asked, his voice devoid of amusement now, replaced by a cold, disappointed tone.

I nodded numbly. He shoved me towards the entrance, his hand hovering menacingly close to my back.

"Show me." He commanded, his voice a low growl.

My trembling fingers fumbled with the keypad, the familiar numbers seeming alien under his menacing gaze. With a groan, the heavy metal door buzzed open.

"Up or down?" He barked, his voice suddenly tight with impatience.

"Fourth floor." I whispered, my voice barely audible.

The elevator felt like a metal coffin as we ascended. Hawks stood impossibly close, his body heat radiating against mine. His hand twitched as he kept a firm grip on my coat.

"You know," He whispered, his voice a low murmur in my ear, "sometimes accidents happen in elevators too."

The ping of the elevator opening on my floor felt like a church bell. He clicked his tongue before shoving me out, his eyes scanning the dimly lit hallway with caution.

"Which one?" He demanded, his voice sharp.

My heart hammered against my ribs. This was it. This was the moment I had to make a choice. Safety for myself, or expose someone else in the building?

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