Chapter 9:The B-shot Gathering

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Riki's POV:
I was just sleeping in bed softly when all of a sudden I felt someone touched me by my shoulder.I turned around to see who it was.It was Samuru.

Riki:Samuru...?What are you doing...?(Tired)

Samuru:Sorry Riki but you got to get out of bed.


Samuru:The BDCC has send us a message.

Riki:A message?What's the message?

Samuru:It said that all of the b-shots that are participating in the Grand B Phoenix must come to BDCC for a b-shot gathering.

Riki:Wait...Right now?

Samuru:Yeah.So hurry and get changed.

Samuru:I'll go wake up Kamon.


After Samuru went to go wake up Kamon,I got out of bed and head to the bathroom.After finished changing my clothes,I came out of the bathroom.I then saw a sleepy Kamon walking up to me.

Riki:Good morning Kamon.

Kamon:Huh...?Oh...Good morning...Riki...(Tired)

Riki:You should hurry and change your clothes.

Kamon:Yeah...I know...(Tired)

Kamon then went to the bathroom to changed.I then turned around and saw Dracyan on the side table.I went to go pick him up.

Riki:Good morning,Dracyan.

Dracyan:Good morning to you too,Riki.

Dracyan:Did you sleep well last night?

Riki:Yeah,I did!The bed was so soft that I literally fell right asleep.

Dracyan:That's good to hear.

Riki:Hey Samuru,did the BDCC say anything else besides the b-shot gathering?

Samuru:No.That was it.

Riki:Okay.Do the others know about the b-shot gathering?

Samuru:Yeah,They do.I send them a message a while ago.

Riki:Have they head out yet?

Samuru:Yeah,they did.

Dravise:Right now we just need to wait for Kamon to come out and then we can head out.


After about 10 minutes,Kamon finally came out of the bathroom.

Kamon:Hey guys,sorry it took a while.

Samuru:Why did you take so long?

Garuburn:Apparently,Kamon was to busy fixing his hair.


Garuburn:I'm just telling the truth.

Dracyan:Everyone,I think we should hurry and head out now.

Dravise:He's right.

Riki:Alright then,let's go.

We then head out of the hotel and went to go to the BDCC.We apparently got a few people staring at us for some reason.That it kinda makes us feel awkward.

Kamon:Will they ever stop staring at us?(Whispered)

Riki:I don't know.(Whispered)

Woman:Sweetie wait!

Out of nowhere a little girl suddenly was standing right in front of us.She was staring right at me for some reason.The little girl then waved at me.I then also waved back.

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