Chapter 3:Worried Friends

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Kamon POV:
My friends and I were waiting around for any news of Riki after he passed out.I was very worried,I wanted to go check up on Riki but Miss Rory said not to go anywhere and stay where we are.Suddenly,I heard footsteps walking towards us at the hall.It was Novu.The others and I ran to Novu and said if Riki's okay.

Kamon:So,Is Riki okay?(Worried)

Yuki:Is he hurt anywhere or something else?(Worried)

Simon:Sha Sha.Will he be alright?

Grizz:Does he need any help with anything?(Worried)

Novu sweatdrop after hearing us asking so many questions at the same time.Novu then stop us for a moment so that he can talk.

Novu:Could you guys pls let me talk?

We all then were silent.

Novu:Okay,now then.Yes,Riki is fine.He said that he is just fine.

Novu:And Dracyan is watching over Riki when he rest.

We all had a sign of relief.

Yuki:Oh thank goodness.(Relief)

Kaito:Yeah,I was pretty worried there.

Ken:As long as he's alright,he should be okay.

Samuru:Is that all he said?(Suspicious)

Novu:Yeah,pretty much.



Samuru:It's nothing.Forget it.


When we were relief that Riki was okay Miss Rory and Grandpa Takakura showed up.

Grandpa Takakura:So,Is he okay?

Novu:Yes sir.He is just fine.I told him to rest tho just in case.

Grandpa Takakura:Well then,since Ryugasaki is alright I will be making the competition tomorrow to see who will be the seven b-shots to enter the Grand B Phoenix.

Grandpa Takakura:Rory,please remember to prepared everything.

Miss Rory:Yes,Grandfather.

Grandpa Takakura:Is that clear?

All:Yes sir.

Grandpa Takakura:Well,you should all go home now or if you want to stay here for a little while is fine by me.

All:Thank you Grandpa Takakura!

Miss Rory and Grandpa Takakura then walk away.Leaving my friends and I in silence.Misuru was the first to break the silence.

Misuru:Buzz buzz.Now what?

Yuki:I don't really know.

Kaito:Hey guys,how about we all go see how Riki's doing.

Grizz:Hey,that's actually not a bad idea.

Reggie:Can we?Riki is resting tho.


I actually really want to go see Riki but I was a bit hesitant since I don't want to disturb his rest.Suddenly,I felt a hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me to where Riki is.I look to see who was dragging me,it was Samuru.

Kamon:S-Samuru?!What are you doing?!

Samuru:I need to go talk to Riki about something and I want you to be there.


Samuru continues to pull my wrist while walking.The others just look at us.


Samuru POV:
I am dragging Kamon to the medical room so that we can talk to Riki.I have a suspicion that Riki is hiding something from us.We then arrived at the medical room and I let go of Kamon's wrist.

Kamon:Samuru...Do you really had to pulled me here?I can walk by my own you know.


Kamon got a bit mad at me but I didn't care.I open the door and I saw Riki talking to Dracyan.When Riki heard the door open,he turned to my direction and saw Kamon and I were at the door.

Riki:Oh,hey guys!(Smile)

Kamon:Hey Riki.(Smiles back)

I didn't really care and went in the room.Kamon close the door behind us.

Riki:So,what are you doing here?Do you guys need something?

Kamon:No, not really.We just want to talk to you.

Riki:Okay,sure.What do you guys want to talk about?

Samuru:Are you hiding something from us?


Riki's POV:
I did not expect that Samuru would ask that question.I hurry and played it off.

Riki:What?Of course not.You guys are my friends.Why would I ...?(Nervous)

Dravise:Are you sure?

Garuburn:You don't sound so sure.

Kamon:Are you sure you're not keeping anything from us?

Riki:I'm sure.

Riki:[Play it off Riki.Play it off...(Nervous)]

Samuru:*Sign*Fine,I believe you,for now.

Samuru:Let's go Kamon.

I see Samuru drags Kamon out the door and closed it.

Riki:God I almost had a heart attack.(Relief)

Dracyan:Riki,you have to be careful.

Riki:Yeah I know.Thanks Dracyan.

???'s POV:
I was riding a boat to get to East City so that it could be quicker to arrived there.

???:WBMA,here I come.

That's all for Chapter 3.
I hope that you guys enjoyed it.Bye guys.
Kirino out💠

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