Chapter 13: A Trio of Companions

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As Simon and Bram sat in their favorite corner of the coffee shop, enjoying the tranquility of the autumn afternoon, they were suddenly interrupted by the arrival of their friends. First Leah, then Nick and Abbie, their laughter and chatter filling the air with warmth.Simon's brow furrowed in confusion as he watched them approach, wondering what had brought them to the café on this quiet afternoon. He exchanged a puzzled glance with Bram, who shrugged in response."Hey, guys!" Leah greeted, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Mind if we join you?"Simon's confusion only deepened as Leah leaned in to press a quick kiss to both Nick and Abbie's cheeks before turning back to them. He couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity at the unexpected display of affection."Sure, of course," Bram replied, gesturing to the empty seats across from them. "Pull up a chair."As their friends settled into the booth, Leah let out a contented sigh, her eyes wandering around the café. "It's nice to have a break from the chaos of school, isn't it?"Simon nodded in agreement, though his mind was still buzzing with questions. What had prompted their impromptu visit, and why were they so affectionate all of a sudden?Leah seemed to sense his confusion, for she leaned in with a playful grin. "Don't worry, boys. We're just crashing your little date," she teased, nudging Nick and Abbie who chuckled in response.Simon felt a rush of relief wash over him at Leah's words, the tension easing from his shoulders. He smiled at her, grateful for her lightheartedness in the midst of his confusion.Leah's gaze softened as she turned back to Simon and Bram, her expression thoughtful. "You know, it's funny," she mused. "I used to dread being the third wheel, but now... I can't wait to find someone special of my own."Simon's heart went out to her at the vulnerability in her words, his own experiences with love and acceptance resonating deeply with him. He reached out to squeeze her hand in a silent gesture of support, his eyes meeting Bram's with a shared understanding."Hey, you'll find someone amazing, Leah," Bram said, his voice gentle yet reassuring. "And until then, you'll always have us."Leah's smile widened at his words, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thanks, guys," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "I don't know what I'd do without you."As they settled back into conversation, Simon couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bonds of friendship that held them together. In this moment, surrounded by the ones he cherished most, he knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, as friends.

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