Chapter four:Unexpected Encounters

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As the new school year began, Simon couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through him. With each step he took through the crowded hallways of Creekwood High, he felt a renewed sense of energy, eager to see what the year had in store for him.As he made his way to his locker, Simon spotted Leah chatting animatedly with a group of friends. Her laughter echoed through the hallway, drawing Simon's attention like a magnet."Hey, Leah!" Simon called out, a smile spreading across his face as he approached her. "How was your summer?"Leah turned to greet him, her eyes lighting up with warmth at the sight of him. "Hey, Simon! It was great, thanks for asking. How about yours?"Before Simon could respond, he felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around him from behind, pulling him into a tight embrace. Startled, he turned to see Bram standing there, a mischievous grin playing on his lips."Hey, there," Bram said, his voice low and teasing as he leaned in to press a soft kiss to Simon's cheek. "Miss me?"Simon couldn't help but laugh at Bram's antics, his heart swelling with affection for the boy who had stolen his heart. Without hesitation, he turned to face Bram, cupping his cheek in his hand as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his lips.Leah watched the exchange with a smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, I think that's my cue to leave," she said, her tone teasing yet fond. "Catch you later, boys."With a playful wink, Leah turned and made her way down the hallway, leaving Simon and Bram alone in their own little bubble of happiness. As they stood there, hand in hand, Simon couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible friends who had supported him every step of the way.With a contented sigh, Simon leaned into Bram's embrace, relishing in the warmth of his presence. As they made their way to class together, Simon knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, stronger than ever before.And as they disappeared into the bustling hallway, their laughter echoing in the air, Simon couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future. With Bram by his side and their friends supporting them every step of the way, he knew that anything was possible.

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