Vol-3 Ch-3 The Rules

Start from the beginning

"Hey, teacher. I'm sorry to interrupt you when you're talking, but that juice from earlier went right through me. Where's the toilet?"

Sudou appeared before us, like he hadn't heard the announcement.

"The toilet, huh? I was about to get to that point. If you want to use the bathroom, use this."

Chabashira-sensei grabbed one of the cardboard boxes from the stacked pile. She peeled off the packing tape and took out some collapsed cardboard.

"Huh? What's that?" Sudou asked.

"It's a basic toilet. Each class will be supplied with one. Please handle it carefully."

Sudou wasn't the only one perplexed by this. The girls were shocked.

"Don't tell me we have to use that?!" Shinohara, raised her voice in horrified surprise. She is rather talkative today.

"Both the boys and girls will use it. But do not worry, it comes with a single button tent that you can use when you want to change. That way, no one will be able to see you."

"That's not the problem here! Th-that's just a freaking cardboard box! This is absolutely impossible!"

"It might be a cardboard box, but it's an especially well-made one. It can even be used in a disaster. I'll show you how to use it, so please commit this to memory."

Did anyone tell Sae, that she could have a career in sales. She was an absolutely amazing saleswoman, her looks would help too.

While the girls booed her, apparently not appreciating her talents. Chabashira-sensei assembled the toilet. It seemed she was familiar with setting it up. Then she put a blue vinyl bag on it, and placed what looked to be a white sheet inside.

"This sheet is made of water-absorbing polymer. It covers and solidifies waste. It'll make the waste invisible, and also suppress the smell. After you finish using it, stack another sheet on top. By repeating this process, it's possible to get around five uses with one vinyl bag. These vinylbags and sheets will be supplied to you in unlimited amounts. You can even change them after every use, if you want."

"There's just no way I can do this! Absolutely no way!" Starting with Shinohara, nearly all of the girls rejected the idea.

Ike, who'd been silent, pouted and said, "Come on, just deal with it. This isn't the time to fight, Shinohara."

"Don't screw around! It probably doesn't matter to you boys. There's no way I can go to the bathroom in a cardboard box."

The arguments where beginning. The United class that I had been proud of, was breaking down due to a toilet.

"The decision is yours. However, you are not permitted to relieve yourselves in the forest, the sea, or rivers. Do not forget that."

"But, but I definitely can't do it in a cardboard box! Besides, the guys are going to be close, right? That's gross!" Shinohara, still unaccepting of the situation, directed her anger at the idiot company, especially Ike.

I guess, when put under the pressure. The brittle bonds formed between the class was supposed to break.

"What the heck? I don't get why you're treating us like perverts," Ike said.

"I am not saying that all the boys are perverts, only your friend group. It's true though, isn't it? You do seem to be really perverted."

"Huh? Jeez, that hurts! I'm a super gentleman!"

"Don't make me laugh. A gentleman? Get real. You're by far the top contender for biggest pervert amongst your friend group."

Sparks flew as Ike and Shinohara got into a heated argument.

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