Chapter 4

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"Man, I've got some serious grooming to do," Ethan announced.

There's a hint of frustration in his voice as he inspected the irritation along his waistband. Prompted by Ethan's declaration, Alex glanced down at his own situation with a resigned sigh.

"I guess it's time for your waxing appointment," Ethan muttered.

Ethan groaned at the thought. He turned to Luke for moral support.

"Luke, tell me it'll be okay. I really don't wanna go through with it."

Luke chuckled. He listened to his friends bemoan the high standards of grooming expected in their line of work. Ethan has always been the loudest about maintaining appearances. He had once proclaimed—with a bit too much alcohol in his system—that a smoother manhood not only appealed more to clients but somehow hairless cock... look bigger.

Luke found himself outside this particular struggle. Nature had spared him the constant battle with body hair, leaving his shaft and balls as unblemished and smooth as porcelain.

While Ethan and Brad envied his low-maintenance routine, Luke couldn't help but feel out of place, especially in situations where his lack of hair drew unwanted attention.

"Sometimes, I wish I had your problems," Luke admitted, half-joking. "At least then I wouldn't get those weird looks in the locker room or from clients."

Ethan laughed off Luke's complaint, finding the idea of wanting more body hair to be ridiculous.

"Trust me, you're not missing out on anything fun. The hassle, the itching—be glad you're spared."

But Luke's sentiment stemmed from a deeper place, a vulnerability he rarely showed.

His smooth complexion, while enviable to some, often made him the subject of assumptions about his age and maturity—comments that stung more than they amused.

"Man, this whole thing's a mess," Brad sighed.

Brad's patience wore thin over the situation. He looked over at Ethan, who was already scrolling through his phone for the waxing salon's contact info.

"Let's just get this over with," Ethan grumbled.

He dialed with a sense of resignation. Luke sat back and watched the exchange with a mixture of amusement and sympathy.

Their day had started on a low note, with the boss berating them for the recent dip in sales, setting a tense mood even before the doors opened. Luke's own day was further soured by a barrage of threatening messages from loan sharks. Tucking his phone away, he hoped for a brief respite from the stress.

The break in their conversation came with the arrival of their colleague, who seemed almost hesitant to deliver the news to Luke.

"Hey, Luke! That guy's back asking for you again."

The mention of "that guy" immediately brought a specific client to mind, causing Luke to groan in frustration. Ethan, ever the protector, was quick to jump to Luke's defense, his words laced with anger and concern for his friend.

As Ethan ranted, the room's tension spiked, their colleague looking like he might bolt at any moment.

Luke placed a calming hand on Ethan's shoulder, trying to diffuse the situation.

"He's actually been one of the better tippers," Luke tried to explain.

Unfortunately, the thought did little to ease the underlying discomfort of the situation.

Ethan's protective instinct didn't wane a little.

"Look, if the guy's trouble, just say the word. We don't need his money that bad. I'll make sure he gets the message loud and clear."

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