Chapter 1

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The early light of dawn seeped through half-closed shutters, casting elongated shadows across the room. It gently illuminated the figure sprawled across the bed in a modest ranch house nestled in the hills of Texas.

The room was simple, adorned with the rustic charm of the countryside, and the morning brought with it the promise of a sweltering day.

Luke, feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin, stirred to consciousness.

His eyes adjusted to the light and narrowed momentarily before he indulged in a luxurious stretch. With a broad yawn, he extended his arms toward the sturdy, wooden headboard, dislodging the sheets further in his wake.

The remnants of last night's intensity were marked on his skin, shadows playing over the contours of his body where the light danced across. With a casual scratch at an itch on his shoulder, he reminisced briefly about the evening's passion. Luke beamed a satisfied grin curving his lips as he yawned once more.

Luke ran a hand through his tousled hair, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, the cool floorboards contrasted the heat beginning to permeate the room. The act of getting up seemed a herculean task. It prompted him to roll onto his side and burrowed into the blanket momentarily before finally gathering the will to rise.

The blanket slipped from his grasp, revealing the rugged tan lines and the solid build of a man accustomed to the labor and love of the arid land of Texas. Luke stood, easing the stiffness from his muscles. There was a lingering evidence of a fervent embrace imprinted on his flesh.

He glanced toward the bathroom momentarily but decided against it, instead settling back onto the bed to reach for the nightstand. There, a pack of cigarettes lay beside an ashtray. With a fluid motion, he took one, lit it, and inhaled deeply, the smoke mingling with the dust-moted air. Beside the ashtray, a note caught his eye.

"Last night was something else. Can't wait for the next rodeo."

The note, adorned with a lipstick kiss, elicited a chuckle. He crumpled it, tossed it aside, his interest captured by what lay beneath. A stack of neatly folded bills sat there, a generous token for the moments shared. Luke counted the money and felt a blend of satisfaction and anticipation. She had left more than usual.

"Not too shabby,"

Luke murmured to himself. He let the smoke curl from his lips in a contemplative exhale. As he lingered over the last of his cigarette, he pondered the fleeting moments, contrasting the crisp bills in his hand with the worn leather of his wallet—its edges softened by time and use.

With a final drag, he snuffed out the cigarette in the ashtray and stretched, his muscles aching from a night spent on the edge of the bed. The tightness in his limbs spoke of the need for a hot shower. There was still time to indulge before the day truly began.

Today was shaping up to be no different than any other.

Back in his senior year of high school, his teacher once said, "Don't abandon your dreams. With hard work, one day, they'll come true. Effort never betrays you."

Young Luke couldn't help but scoff at that. The teacher left out the harsh truth that even unwavering effort can be blindsided by harsh reality. Dreams felt as tangible as finding meat in a barn filled only with fallen rice—improbable unless reality lent a supporting hand.

Yes, there are those tales of overcoming adversity to achieve dreams, but aren't they rare enough to be deemed newsworthy?

Not everyone can transcend their struggles to pen a success story. Initially, Luke harbored hope too, believing that someday he'd escape his grim reality, secure a stable job, and provide a beautiful home for his family. To others, it might have seemed a modest ambition, but to Luke, it was everything.

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