FOUR. cool about it

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saturday, october 21st, 2023:
iowa city, iowa

Tatum tried not squirm beneath the sensation tingling her skin, a trail of kisses being scattered along her neck. Each peck was like a feather tickling her skin, the pressure of the lips enticing, so faint yet so noticeable it was almost ghostlike.

But then she felt a slow, tantalizing kiss attaching onto her skin and Tatum had to keep down the sound forming in the back of her throat.

"Oh my God, please, you're gonna drive me fucking insane." She rested a hand on one shoulder in hopes to move the body that was so close to hers, but no further action from the brunette followed to push herself away.

The set of lips continued to leave kisses along her sensitive body, the tension building between the minimal space between them. Pressure brewed in between Tatum's legs, so agonizingly intense in a way she had never experienced before. Hands slipped beneath her top, gently skimming along her abdomen exposed to the nimble fingers, barely daring to search further.

"Tell me what you want," came the familiar voice of Kate in her ear, a low rumble that sent a shiver down Tatum's spine. Her voice alone nearly had her arching her back to press herself deeper into Kate's body. "All you gotta do is ask and I'm yours."

Tatum jolted upwards, the sheets slipping off of her. Disbelief surged in her chest as it rose unevenly, confusion pulling her eyebrows inward.

There was no fucking way.

She just had a steamy dream about Kate Martin.

Tatum dragged a hand along her face as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, hoping to get rid of any remnants of the dream from her eyelids.

Then her gaze swept across her sheets of her bed— no, this wasn't her bed.

She internally groaned once the realization hit her. Tatum had accidentally fallen asleep at Ian's.

The girl was hesitant to check beside her, reluctant to see his raven locks sound asleep. But she took a sigh of relief when she discovered the other side of the bed was empty and gave no indication of when Ian had left it behind.

She scanned the room, the lack of women's basketball and Taylor Swift confirming the dread in her stomach. Noticing her phone wasn't on the barstool posing as a nightstand, she dug through the blankets on top of her. Tatum could only guess how many text messages she had from her roommates since they had expected her to return home last night and obviously didn't. She swiped open her phone, and she knew she had to answer Jada's pestering, but was not looking forward to getting wrung out.

And she was right. Jada had been blowing up her inbox, asking her where she was and if she remembered they had practice that morning because how on Earth could she not come back home last night.

Tatum eventually clamored out from the bed and softly padded out to the living room, careful not to make too much noise. To her surprise, she spotted the messy raven head of Ian, passed out cold on the couch, his legs sprawled in positions that made Tatum wonder how he could possibly be comfortable. Part of her had figured since he hadn't been next to her in bed that morning, that the track athlete had gone to get an early morning run in.

She nearly smiled at the fact that he was still there. It provided answers to questions that had worried her the moment her tired eyes had surveyed the apartment. The fact that she had stayed over was a scary thought on its own, and she had wanted to ignore every other worry in her mind. It was a line they hadn't considered talking about with one another

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