EIGHT. tiny mic time

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iowa women's basketball tiktok page:
iowa city, iowa

"Hey guys," Tatum squeaked in an unnatural voice.

She broke out into laughter at the fact that she sounded like a twelve year old YouTuber and waved for the camera to stop rolling.

"I can't," she chuckled, unable to take herself seriously. She took a deep breath and made a clapperboard with her arms, "Okay take two."

She waited for a confirmation nod before attempting to say the introductory statement again. "Hey, guys. Welcome back to another tea time— no, wait!" Tatum folded forward at her messing up again.

Tatum could hear some of her teammates off to the side out of view from the camera, cracking up. Most of all, she could hear Jada mocking her and recognized the sound of Kate's laugh as her roommate joked around. 

"One more time, I swear." She told the media team member, Zach, who told her to start whenever she was ready.

"Welcome back to tiny mic time with Tatum!" She raised an arm into the air as she beamed at the camera proudly. "Gollie! Finally got it. Try saying that ten times fast, huh."


"Okay so today we're starting off with Jada since she decided to make fun of me earlier," Tatum briefly pouted to the camera before turning to a laughing Jada. "Alright, get it together now. If you could have dinner with any celebrity who would it be?"

"Oh easy. Taylor Swift." Jada nodded, satisfied with her own answer. "Without a doubt."

"Yeah, I knew the answer to that one." Tatum agreed.

Her roommate tilted her head curiously at her. "Then why'd you ask it?"

Tatum gestured to the camera, "For the people!" Hands flew to Jada's face as she covered it up in embarrassment. "Wow, our girl for real forgot about you guys. And in front of your faces. That's just disrespectful."

Jada was laughing, embarrassed, "No, stop—"

Tatum clicked her tongue, continuing the bit, "Can you guys believe that? What a shame."

"That's so embarrassing, I can't. I'm so sorry you guys. It'll never happen again."


"We're here with the glue, our captain, Kate 'money' Martin." Kate smiled down at Tatum. "Kate, the people are dying to know, mainly me actually but—"

The senior hung her head briefly as she laughed at that. Kate then regarded her with a look that Tatum had been seeing more on her lately, her gaze locked onto Tatum as she skimmed over her features.

"Don't look at me like that!"

Kate pressed her lips together, brows furrowed and eyes wide. "Like what?"

Tatum turned her head, closing her eyes momentarily before forcing herself to face back to Kate. "Anywho, as I was saying, Kate, the people wanna know.. Have you seen the edits?" She smirked, "Be honest."

Kate looked Tatum up and down, "I know you have."

Tatum side-eyed and deadpanned to the camera before telling Kate, "That doesn't answer my question."

Kate licked her lips subconsciously as she studied Tatum before hesitantly providing her honest response. "Yes, I've seen some of the edits."

"Mm, I see. How do you feel about them?"

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