Chapter 18 | Can this day get any more worse?

Start from the beginning

"Well did you know that the pet dog that Will Smith had was also called Sam...Short for Samantha?"



"How is this relevant to anything?"

"Just stating a correlation," She says and continues eating.

And that's it, no more conversation.


"Did you know that the pet dog was a German shepherd? Sam—The German Shepherd."

Sam drops her fork with a loud clatter and looks at Anne exhaustedly. All of us burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the conversation.

Amidst our laughing, we hear a loud clearing of throat behind me. Everyone except Matt and I look at the person with shock. I slowly turn my head around to see, Ryan.

Oh no.

Honestly, Can this day get any worse?

I definitely think not.

"Am I interrupting something?" Ryan asks in a sickeningly sweet voice that makes me want to throw up.

All of us don't even bother acknowledging him with a response but that only seems to egg him on because he just pulls up a chair from somewhere and sits in between Jacob and Anne.

Can't this guy read the room? We don't need his company.

Anne bites her whole lower lip hard while Jacob sighs and rolls his eyes.

I just look down at my plate and don't even bother looking up at him.

"I didn't mean to intrude, I just wanted to say hello. It has been a very long time since I have seen you guys."

"A good thing that is" Jacob mutters making Ryan glare at him.

"Did you have something to Jacob?" Ryan asks rhetorically and Jacob sends him a glare of his own.

"I think you have overstayed your welcome here, Ryan. Could you please just leave us alone at least this time around?" Sam says making Ryan smirk a little.

"Now now Sammy, what's the rush? Look, I know that I haven't been the best person to you guys but come on, I'm not looking for any trouble now. I just want us to start over." Ryan says so convincingly that you'd immediately melt.

But we know better.

The guy is a natural actor.

"Is there something you need Ryan? Why are you here?" Nathan asks calmly and Ryan looks at him with confusion.

"Ah, Nathan...The new basketball champion. Can I just be honest with you real quick? When I saw you a few days ago I could've sworn that you aren't that baggy shirt, nerdy glasses kinda guy. You know? But now... Geez, getting all the girls you want. Let me guess", he turns to look at Sam, "after the breakup with Tim and Nathan being popular and all that, the switch must've been fairly easy"

All of the heads snap in Ryan's direction in disbelief.

I mean we know that guy has some serious issues but reliving the weirdness that he radiates is making us feel disgusted at his sucky actions.

"You know Ryan, if I were you, which is a punishment of its own, I'd ask you to rethink the words that come out of your mouth next," Nathan says and looks at Ryan with an impassive face.

Ryan just raises his hands in mock surrender and laughs.

A maniacal one too, I might add.

"You've changed," Ryan says

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