Chapter 3 | "Date" Night

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The rest of the day was uneventful

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The rest of the day was uneventful.

Matthew immediately left after the lunch fiasco cause he said he had to meet someone which I thought was odd but didn't pry. 

And girls were berating me for not sticking to the plan.

I tried reasoning with them but to no avail.

I didn't see Nathaniel, sorry, Nathan (eye roll) after his very unnecessary intrusion because we don't share any classes, apart from English Lit. But he wasn't present for that class.

Thank god for that

I really don't care if he was or was not present  but it's normal for people to give their attention to a person who practically embarrassed you in front of the whole grade. 

So yes, I did notice that he was missing. 

I walk up to my car, turn on the ignition, and drive my way to the school entrance to pick up the girls. Anne, Sam, and I planned on going to my house to get ready for the date.

They are helping me.

After I promised them pizzas.

Also after I promised them an abundant amount of times that I would tell the truth to him today.


I don't give a flying shit about this date but I just want to get it over with so I won't have to deal with that cocky idiot. And I want them to be with me so I don't cancel the date, make up some fake excuse, and call it a day.

Self-control? Pfff....Never heard of that.

Oh, and I'm definitely going to break the truth to him today. Did I mention that already?

I. Don't. Like. Him.

You should have seen his face when I hesitated to respond to his superficial excitement about our "date".

I'm pretty sure that the jerk has only one thing in mind.

And I am genuinely scared about how he's gonna try to make some "moves".

If he tries to do something like that, I've got to sprint the hell out of there.

I reach the entrance and the girls quickly hop in the car. Anne managed to call shotgun and Sam sighed and made it to the back seat but not before elbowing Anne in the rib cage, pretty hard.

I quickly pushed the accelerator and got out of school fast. I wanted to avoid my dumb "boyfriend".

"My my looks who is in a hurry for their date,"Anne says while dramatically fanning herself.

I roll my eyes and give her a death glare from the rearview mirror of the car.

"Don't be so hard on her."Sam fake chides Anne.

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