the hang out

113 2 7


i woke up to see that it was a saturday so no school and i saw my phone ringing and someone calling me, it was green, i answered the call and talked about

green: hey purple!

purple: 'yawns'  hi..

green: woah did u just woke up?

purple: yes..

green: sorry about that heh

purple: its ok...but.. what do u want to talk about since u called me?

green: well i wanted to hang out with u?

purple: oh sure but where?

green: hmmm.... how about ########?

purple: ok but what time?

green: how about.... 4:00 pm?

purple: sure

green: great see u there babe!

purple; 'yawns' see u too hun

me and green hung up and i saw the clock and it was 12:30 so i decided to take a bath, after i took a bath i changed my clothes and grabbed my phone and went out until

king and gold: young man where do u think ur going?

purple; oh im going to hang out with green

king: ok but be careful and remember dont do drugs, dont drink alcohol, dont have sex until ur old enough and etc

purple: ok dad now bye! see you guys later!

king: bye hun

gold: bye lil bro

i went out the house and went to ####### and saw green


i saw purple and i ran towards him and hugged him and he hugged me back, after all of those hugging and stuff, i told the short purple stick that were going to eat, and he agreed so we talked

a few moments later

green: soo what kind of musics do u listen to?

purple: oh! i like to listen to TV girl, odetari, 6arelyhuman, low quality music and etc!

green; wait... u know TV girl, odetari and 6arelyhuman?!

purple: of course i know them!

green: ok but... what is low quality music?

purple: oh! here i'll show u! those type of songs make me laugh! here!

green listens to it and laughs

green: hahaha! where did u find these type of songs???

purple: i found it on youtube by searching low quality music

green: ok!

they both realized that they made it to the restaurant and went inside 

waiter: what will u both order?

they both ordered the food and drinks

green: so... what kind of instrument do u always play or use?

purple: oh i play the violin and the piano!

green: really, i cant believe u play the violin and the piano! i mean i cant cus its pretty hard for me

purple: hard for you? its actually pretty easy for me!

green: yeah

purple: well what instrument do u play?

green: i play the guitar and the electric guitar

purple: thats cool! can u teach me how to play it?

green: sure but first u have to kiss me!

purple: easy!

purple kisses green and green said

green: ok i'll teach u when we get to my house!

purple: ur house?

green; yes! later were going to my house!

purple: ok!

after a few moments of talking the waitress gave us our food and drinks and we ate and i payed cus im a good boyfriend!

and after that we went to my house and went inside

purple: woah u have a nice house green!

green: i know, now i'll teach u my guitar


i teached purple how to play the guitar and he already knew how to play and i was very happy for him

green: wow babe ur getting good at this!

purple: u sure?

green: of course!

purple smiled and looked at the time and saw it was 10:50 pm!


green: oh i'll send u home ok

purple: ok

green sends purple home 

purple: bye green love u and see u tomorrow

green: bye love u too and see u too tomorrow

purple went inside the house and......

AVS (ANIMATION VS SCHOOL  an AVM fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن