a new friend!

143 4 9

gold:"where the heck is purple"

gold:"oh god i regret running into this big af school but atleast i'll have 10 dollars"

*gold comes out of the bathroom to find purple*

*gold looks left and right while walking*

gold:*bumps into someone* "im sorry for bumping into you!"

???:"oh its ok little one here let help you get up"

gold:"thanks for helping me get up!"

???:"your welcome! whats your name little one?"

gold:"my name is gold!"

???:"nice to meet you gold my name is red and you must be new here!"

gold:"yes im new here but can i ask you a question?"

red:"ofc you can tell me any questions!"

gold:"is there any chance that you have seen a purple stick?"

*red thinks if he has seen a purple stick*

red:"im sorry but i didnt see any purple stick before why?"

gold:"oh im trying to find my big brother!"

red:"i can help you find your brother before class starts!'

gold:"thank you so much red!"

red:"no need to thank me i just like helping people!"

gold:"your just like my brother! my brother purple likes to help orphans when he was young!"

red:"wow your brother is really nice"

gold:"he is the most funniest happiest big brother that i have thank goodness my dad adopted him!"

red:"your brother is adopted?"


red:"oh ......and what happened to his real parents?"

gold:"well...he told me that his real father wanted to make purple fight instead of picking flowers like a girl...when they started training my brother kept falling and making his father mad.....when my brother fell again he started crying because his back hurts and his mother heard his cries and she started and argument with the father and one day the father was being abusive towards purple and his mother and after alot of arguments everyday his father left purple and his mom to die in the house and years passed by purple grew up with his mother and one day his mother died of cancer....."

red:"...oh i feel very bad for your brother..."

gold:"its okay my brother has a new family now his mother is probaly watching him right now"

red:"yeah your right"

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