you again?

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purple woke up and realized today is a holiday, purple stands up, yawns and streches

purple:"i just woke to do?"

gold:"hey purp! want to go to the mall?"

purple:"yeah sure" he says 

gold:"great were going at the time 11:50"


purple looks at the time and it says 10:49, purple gets a bath and changed (ofc)

gold:"hey purp you ready?"


purple looks at the time and it says 11:52


purple gets out of his room

gold:"wow i like your style where ya goin looking like that? meetin your boyfriend?

purple:"just...shut up..."he turns into a blushing mess

gold and purple gets inside the car with king driving it, a few mins they arrived at the mall

gold is very excited

purple is happy

king wants to see them happy alright


purple:"chill dont get too excited!"

they went inside the mall and sees alot of shops (ofc)

gold:"dad could we go to the candy shop?"

king:"alright but dont buy too much"


gold grabs purples hand and drags him to the candy shop

king:"hey wait for me!"

gold and purple waits for king

gold:"sorry dad i forgot your slow"

king:"its alright"

gold:"ok now lets go get CANDY!'"

purple:"gold calm down pls"


gold and purple picks candies while king pays it for them cus hes a good father

gold eating candy 

purple eating candy too

king happy to see his kids happy

purple:"could we go to the clothes shop?" pointing at the shop

king:"yeah sure i mean we do nneed new clothes"

they went inside and pick some clothes

purple:"thanks dad!"

king:"no need to thank me kid" he pats purples head

purple and gold were talking until purple bumped into someone

purple:"ouch i-im sorry pls forgive me!"

???:"oh its ok let me help you get up" the stick helps purple get up

purple:"thanks for helping me get up!" he smiles to the tall stick

the tall stick smiles back and realizes purple is very familiar to him

???:"hey is your name purple?"

purple:"yes..... you know?

???:"its me! green!"

purple:"green! hi!"

AVS (ANIMATION VS SCHOOL  an AVM fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin