lets act!

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one day at stick high the gang wanted to do something but cant think of anything until..

green: so...im bored all of u guys are bored so what are we gonna do?

tsc: idk like play uno?

yellow: no! think something else!

red:hmmm wait!

tsc:yes hun?

red: i have an idea for us to not get bored!

~school ends~

red:ok so who's house are we gonna do it?

everybody stares at gold and purple who was looking at them back


red: purple could we plsss go to ur housee?

purple:ok ok come on follow me!


everybody follows purple and gold, and they finally arrived and everybody went inside and went inside of purples room

green: so...what game are we going to play?

red:were...going to play....ACTING!!

purple:ooh i have never done acting before!

gold:me too!

yellow:hmm sure we can play that


tsc:sure anything for u red


red: ok! so raise ur hand if u wanna be these ppl alright!

evrybody agrees and continued

red: sooo....who wants to be the..2 famous actors and singers!

green and purple raised their hands and looks at each other and laughed

red:ok now who will be the 2 kings who fell in love!

blue and yellow raised their hands and blushed

red:soo that means me,tsc and gold will be the one who's going to record it alright?

everybody agrees and started wearing stuff for their acts

the first one to act is going to be blue and yellow and the movie name will be 'the 2 kings who fell in love' 

the second one to act was green and purple and the movie name will be 'the two famous sticks' (the movie name is actually one of my (new) books)

and after all of them act all of them were tired and decided to go home except for purple and gold

AVS (ANIMATION VS SCHOOL  an AVM fanficWhere stories live. Discover now