025. a beautiful disaster

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After Penelope got a call from the hospital that Savannah was shot, the rest of the team got there as quickly as they could.

"We need all vehicular and pedestrian traffic stopped in a 10 block radius." Hotch tells the cop who nods.

"Hey, where you going?" A cop stops Derek.

"Hey, let me through, that's my team over there!" Derek yells. "Get your hands off me. I'm FBI."

"Hey, hey, he's an agent. Let him through." JJ says.

"What the hell is wrong with them?" Derek asks as he walks over. "Don't they know we're on this case?"

"Yes, he knows. He just didn't know who you are. It's okay." Penelope assures.

"Tell me you got something." Derek pleads.

"A casing and a rifle up on the roof." Rossi says.

"This guy isn't sloppy. He's sending us a message." JJ says.

"Garcia, we need to access the surveillance footage." Hotch tells her.

"Of course. I'm on it." She says, heading inside.

"What else we got?" Derek asks.

"That's it right now." Rossi says.

"Where were you and Savannah standing?" Spencer asks.

"We were standing right over there on the side of my truck." Derek says. "We were just talking. She was to the back and I was facing her. I was the one who was vulnerable. I was the easy shot."

"How's Savannah?" JJ asks.

"She's in surgery." Derek says.

"Come on, let's check in." Rossi urges.

"You guys got this?" Derek asks as Rossi starts to lead him off.

"Go." Hotch tells him as Spencer nods.


"So if security footage has no angles of the shooting or the rooftop, where does that leave us?" Rossi asks.

"We're running facial recognition on everyone in and around the hospital to see if they match any loose ends from Morgan's abduction." JJ says.

"How did he take it?" Spencer asks Hotch when he gets back.

"As expected." Hotch says.

"Sir, I know that when Morgan was on leave after his abduction, you encouraged him to stay away from the case." Penelope says.

"And let me guess -- he didn't." Rossi says.

"We all knew in our hearts it wasn't over, and, look, we were right, so in an extracurricular kind of way we kept sleuthing to see who was working with John Bradley." Penelope informs.

"Before he came back to work, Morgan said that he'd found a connection between the men who held him at the cabin and the Montolo family." Hotch says.

"Right. So, basically, we're dealing with a big crime family tree, of which Bradley was certainly a branch of. The Montolos had hired him multiple times." Penelope says.

"Did you scan the drawing?" Spencer asks.

"Yeah, it's right here." Penelope says.

"So, has everyone been working on this?" Rossi asks.

"Yeah, basically." Spencer says.

"Pretty much." Bedelia says as JJ nods with a small wince.

"Kinda." Penelope winces. "Okay, with Morgan's research, plus our bad guys/gals tree here, we've cut all the legs off the evil table. So, like, look -- you got assassin, mother, father, siblings, all deceased, one aunt in therapy for family trauma, and each line is like that."

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