013. protection

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"So two Johns and a hooker and no apparent connection between any of them." JJ says.

"And he doesn't rob them or care if the bodies are discovered." Derek says.

"No forensic countermeasures either." Rossi says. "He probably wants them found. It might be a message."

"I wonder what he's trying to say." Kate says.

"Maybe that he's angry." Spencer says. "He's using a .45-caliber weapon, and with each victim he fired 13 shots. It's most likely every wound in the magazine and the one in the chamber. It's basically overkill with a handgun."

"What's he angry about?" Hotch asks.

"Tasha Brooks is African American and the two Johns, Gary Fisher and Nate Cochran, they were both white." Kate says.

"Guys, what if she's the connection?" Derek asks. "What if these victims were both her clients?"

"Given the close proximity of the murder sites, that is a distinct possibility." Spencer says.

"So the first victim, Gary Fisher, was found alone because maybe Tasha was there and then got away?" JJ asks.

"Or it was some other girl and she got away." Bedelia says.

"Presuming it is a woman." Spencer says.

"Either way, that means there's someone out there that may have seen the unsub." Rossi says.

"Then our first priority should be finding that person." Hotch says.


"I can't thank all of you enough for coming." The detective says.

"Well, I hope we can help." Hotch says.

"We put all our street patrols on double shifts like you asked. We rounded up every working girl, pimp, crackhead in the area. Hopefully somebody knows something." The detective says.

"We better get to it. We're gonna need to talk to 'em all." Rossi says.

"Well, it won't be easy. I saw this all the time when I worked sex crimes." Kate says. "Most of these women have been victimized for years."

"Why don't we start with him?" The detective nods into a room. "Eddie Parrish, Tasha Brooks' pimp. Calls himself Sweetness."

"Aw, come on, now. That was Walter Payton's nickname. That's just wrong." Derek says.


"Are you sure? Do you want to maybe take another look?" Spencer asks the woman he and Rossi are talking to. Bedelia is nearby, getting done talking to a woman who walks away.

"I'm sure, baby. I remember all the cute ones. Like you." She tells him. Bedelia's eyebrows raise and she looks over at them, glancing between the three. "I won't forget you or your friend either."

Spencer looks at Rossi before looking the other way, rolling his lips into his mouth. He catches Bedelia's eyes, the woman looking at him. His face immediately heats up, knowing she's in hearing distance, and he looks away.

Bedelia bites her lip to prevent from laughing.

~ ~ ~

Bedelia meets Spencer in a more secluded area after they talked to some more women.

"So... getting hit on by prostitutes, are we?" She remarks, an amused smirk on her face.

"Believe it or not, it-- it's not the first time." Spencer admits.

"I believe it." Bedelia nods, glancing him up and down.

"Are-- are you checking me out?" He asks.

"I check you out all the time. You're just usually not looking. You can be kinda oblivious." Bedelia comments.

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