019. stress

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"Thank you so much." Bedelia politely smiles at the flight attendant, accepting the drinks and peanuts. The attendant continues her way down the aisle while Bedelia situates the drinks.

"Here, baby." Bedelia opens one bag of peanuts and gives one to her daughter. Theodora takes the peanut and sticks it in her mouth, humming in delight.

Theodora starts to get up, trying to crawl onto Spencer's lap. He grabs her, setting her on his lap, letting her look out the window.

"We're up in the sky." He quietly says. "Look at that." He points to the clouds. He looks down at Theodora, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Hey." Bedelia quietly calls, putting her hand on Spencer's arm. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so." Spencer nods. "Worried."

"I know." Bedelia sympathetically smiles. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out -- together." Spencer nods, weakly smiling at her.


They're at the home and Spencer is talking to the doctor while Bedelia tries to pay attention, but also tries to get Theodora to fall asleep since it's her nap time.

"Thanks." Spencer politely smiles as he takes the chart. He reads through it at his usual pace, frowning.

"What?" Bedelia asks.

"It-- the medication should be helping." Spencer says. "I don't get why she's so angry and-- and nothing's working."

"Do they just need to take some time to set in?" Bedelia suggests.

"But this isn't the first switch. The fact that none of the meds are working is-- it-i-it's--"

"Okay, okay, hey." Bedelia coos, putting her hand on his arm. "It's okay. Breathe." She softly instructs. Spencer takes a deep breath, rubbing his forehead. "Let's just go see her and see if we can see firsthand what's happening."

"Okay." Spencer nods.

"Okay." Bedelia gently squeezes his shoulder.

"I-I should go in first. If she's having an episode. And make sure it's okay for Theo to even be in there." Spencer says, glancing at his half asleep daughter.

"Got it." Bedelia nods.

They go to Diana's room, Bedelia holding Spencer's wrist until they get to the door. She gently squeezes  before letting go of him and he quietly sighs, his hands clenching and unclenching before he reaches for the door.

Spencer opens the door, stepping in. Bedelia looks past him at Diana who is sitting in a chair by the window. The woman looks up and Bedelia notices the confusion in her eyes. The brunette's chest tightens as Diana stares at Spencer cluelessly for a few moments.

"Spencer." She finally recognizes him, a small smile gracing her face.

"Hi, mom." Spencer weakly smiles. Bedelia hears the tiniest crack in his voice that he tries to hide. He quickly clears his throat, making his way further into the room.

"Oh. You brought Bedelia and Theodora." Diana smiles at the woman and sleeping toddler.

"Hi, Diana." Bedelia kindly smiles, worriedly glancing at her husband every few seconds.

Bedelia stays back while Spencer talks to his mom, letting the two converse, not wanting to get in their way.

After a while, the family of three leave, Spencer immediately getting on the phone and scheduling a test for his mom in the morning.

After he gets off the phone, Bedelia prevents him from going outside.

"Hey, hey." She calls, grabbing his arm. "Talk to me."

the great war, spencer reid [ 2 ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें