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I rode back to the train in the boats. The same way I entered Hogwarts in 1966, I was leaving in 1973. I sat with Pandora again. She and I held hands as we cried, watching the castle fade away. 

When we reached the land I saw Remus waiting for me. I laughed and hugged him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. I sighed at the smell of him, clean and vanilla. Pandora walked over to Xeno and waved. 

I waved subtly as Remus led me to the compartment. James, Lily, Sirius, Peter, Remus, and I sat in the compartment, laughing and joking all the way to the station. 

They laughed but in James and Sirius's eyes, I could tell they were still working through the Potter's death. It hit each of the Marauders differently. They all saw those two as their parents. As time went on, however, they learned to move on.

"The train is slowing down, we must be close," Lily said, looking out the window. She was against the window, next to James who was next to Peter. I was across from her, and next to Sirius who was next to Remus. 

"But it hasn't been that long has it?" I asked. Everyone shrugged and Remus stood. 

"I'll go check it out," he said, leaving the compartment. I looked at Lily fearing the worst. She shook her head. I raised my eyebrows. She squinted and then looked out the window. I rolled my eyes and, she nodded to the door. I shrugged and we left. 

The boys looked confused between us and each other. Lily and I walked speedily down the train to the bathrooms. I shut the door tightly. 

"Death Eaters?" I asked. She shrugged. 

"I'm not sure but we need you safe, you have Kaitlyn now," I couldn't disagree with her.

"Okay, fine," I muttered. She smiled sadly. 

"I'll send Sirius when we're sure it's safe," I nodded and looked in the mirror as she left. My wavy blonde hair was thrown into a messy bun and my skin was pinky pale. 

I sighed as I noticed the flabby skin around my stomach. I cringed away from looking at it. I loved Kaitlyn and would do it all again for her but I hated my body now. My stomach was never flat exactly but now stretch marks stained my skin and there was extra skin I couldn't rid. 

I turned away and made a spark ball. I tossed the spark from hand to hand and even tried to juggle after a while. As I dropped one of the sparks Sirus came in. 

"Hey, all good. You ready?" he asked, leaning on the doorway. I smiled up at him and vanished the spark balls. 

"More then. What was it?" I asked as we walked down the train. Sirius shrugged. 

"They wouldn't tell us," he said calmly but I could see it eating at his mind. As we walked Regulus walked by us. 

"Bella," he whispered, urgently. I paused as Sirius kept walking. When he noticed I wasn't beside him he turned back. 

"Era?" I smiled. 

"I'll be right there. Give me a few, I'm off to find Pandora," I turned and left before he could say anything. 

I went into the compartment Regulus entered. Pandora, him, and Dorcas were there. My mind flashed to the night after my rape. I had heard her voice. Dorcas smirked. 

"Hello, Bella," I laughed shortly. I sat next to Pandora staring at Regulus and Dorcas. 

"So you've been?" I couldn't even verbalize my hypothesis. She nodded slowly. 

"I've been helping Regulus for around two years," my mind fought to keep up with the information. 

"She's going to help me destroy the Horcrux," Regulus explained. Dorcas nodded. My mind spiraled and I went to object.

"You and Pandora have strong connections here," she said when she saw me open my mouth. 

"I've studied this, I'm a powerful witch, and I've made a name for myself," she said. I knew her missions were perfect and always successful, but didn't know she was friends with Regulus.

"It's true," Regulus expressed. "You-Know-Who himself knows her name. So many Death Eaters have reported her as a threat that she's on his radar," Regulus added. I nodded, processing. 

"Dorcus, you have to be careful with that," I said slowly. She nodded siriusly. 

"I know, it puts a target on my back but I'll be fine," she reassures. "Now to business, Reg," he cleared his throat.  

"My mission is set to hide a Horcrux for him at the end of my last year," he said, lowly. "Here's the plan. I have another Death Eater joining me to hide it so I will have to go back later with Dorcas to destroy it," he explained. I shook my head. 

"Will it be dangerous trying to get back through?" I asked, looking at him worriedly. He shrugged and so did Dorcas. 

"If it is so be it," he said. 

"We're doing something real, Arabella," Dorcas said. I looked at Pandora. Her eyes were red and glassy, her nose was bright red. 

"Wow," I muttered. Part of me still brushed off the war, but this information hit me like a truck. "Okay, just be careful," I said shaking my head. Regulus stood and pulled me up by my hands. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his middle. 

"I'll be fine," he kissed the top of my head, "I have to talk to you about something this summer," his voice was urgent. I nodded, pulling away. 

"Okay," I whispered and then looked at Dorcas. "You be careful too," She laughed. 

"Oh, I know, Bella. Now hurry off. Sirius will be looking," I laughed softly and opened the door. I looked back at the residence of the compartment. 

Pandora still had tears on her cheeks. Her nose was red and her eyes were slightly puffy. 

Regulus looked ash white, too pale for his own good. His eyes, however, were set. A look of determination was in them.

 Dorcas had a similar look. Her dark eyes held a mystical sparkle. Her lips curled into a soft smile. I nodded and left the compartment, looking for Sirius, Lily, Remus, James, and Peter. 

A Sirius ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now