☆chapter 2☆

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☆Sodo pov☆

I woke up and started looking around not seeing Aether or swiss anywhere. their probably in the living room. I got out of my bed and walked towards the door and walked out to the kitchen. When I reached the kitchen I went over to the fridge and got myself a drink. I went back to my room and locked the door and started drinking then got my phone from from the charger I looked if I got any messages but there were none so I just layed my phone back down. When I was done drinking I throw the can away it landed somewhere in my room I don't care about it I usually leave my stuff somewhere I'm not that much organised but it's hard to get out of bed and do shit when u don't want to. As I layed in my bed starring at the ceiling I got a message it was from papa. I went to grab my phone and looked at the message it was about practice that is gonna be cancelled today I was kinds happy to hear that so I can just stay in my bed. Nothing against the others but I  really don't like talking to them they can sometimes be a bit to much. Somebody knocked on my door it was swiss asking if I wanna come and go on a walk with him. I ignored him he knocked again asking if everything is okay "yh I just don't wanna go out" I said he made a sad sound and left. I knew I made him sad but I just don't wanna take a walk

☆Swiss pov☆

As I walked back to the living room I sat down on the couch
"What's up swiss" Aether said
"Is shorty coming with?" He asked looking at me "no" I said looking down he came on the couch and hugged me. I knew sodo wasn't an outside person like me and Aether but it would have been fun. "Well he's coming" Aether said getting up and out of the living room I followed him. We walked up to sodos room. Aether knocked on the door. No answer. He than pulled out a key with a red key i knew that it was sodos cause I saw the same in the door inside sodos room. Aether opened the door and we saw sodo on his bed with his headphones on and his phone in his hands. Aether walked up to him and took the blanket off. Sodo noticed it and pulled it back and then Aether pulled back and said "ur coming on this walk if u like it or not". He picked sodo up as sodo screamed and kicked. We got our shoes and jackets on and walked outside. Aether had some kind of child leash where u put smth on the hand of the kid and ur own and Aether put it on sodos and and his. Sodo tried running back but was pulled back and had to follow.

☆Third person pov☆

Sodo spotted some flowers and ran to them Aether pulled him back and sodo looked up at him with puppy eyes making aether go soft and let him to the flowers sodo picked up blue,red,black and white ones. They began walking up to the lake and sat down on the grass. Sodo was making a flower crown and put it on his head smiling. Aether smiled at sodo seeing him have fun. Swiss smiled too seeing sodo have fun outside. "We gotta go back" aether said and swiss nodded sodo didn't want to go back but needed to so he just went back with them. When they reached the ministry they went to the kitchen and got some drinks. They were really thirsty having to walk miles and staying for hours at the same spot. When sodo was done he walked back to his room locking his door. Aether and swiss walked to the living room and played uno with mountain and rain. The girls were as usual  gossiping about everything.
Meanwhile sodo was painting and drawing something. He didn't consider himself an artist but he got some talent. He drew a cat and flowers that the cat pushed. He became tired some minutes later as he began painting his work. He walked up to his bed. He left his work on the desk finishing it tomorrow.

Sodo pov (the next morning)

I woke up to the sun shining in my room from the curtains I wasn't a morning person but ut was pretty okay to be woken up by the sun and not someone banging on ur door. I got up and went to my desk seeing my work half finished. I picked up the brush and my headphones. I started listing to some music while painting. It was 11am now I began painting another drawing I started a week ago. I finished both drawings and went over to the door unlocking it and going to the kitchen for breakfast. As I walked to the kitchen I heard swiss and Aether and the others in the kitchen. I got in and saw mountain and rain preparing breakfast swiss and Aether were talking the girls were talking about their own shit I got in my seat next to Swiss and Aether. They didn't notice me which was nice cause I don't have to hear them babbling about yesterday or something else. I really hate talking. Mountain and rain finished making breakfast and brought everyone their plate. Then swiss noticed me and started talking to me and Aether. After some min I was done and went back to my room where it was quiet. I was really tired and wasn't in the mood for anything so I just went to bed and started drifting off


978 words

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