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hi -----. i know it's been a while since we last spoke. im not doing so well anymore, and there's something i need to tell you, something that's been weighing heavily on my heart lately. i've been thinking a lot about you lately, and i just can't shake this feeling of longing that holds me whenever your name is mentiomed, or even just crosses my mind. it's like there's this empty space in my heart that only you can fill, and no matter how hard i try, i just can't seem to shake it off. i miss you. like, really miss you. it's like this ache in my chest that just won't go away no matter what i do or no matter how hard i try. i find myself thinking about you all the time, reminiscing about the moments we shared, the hapiness, the inside jokes, the way you always knew how to make me smile and feel okay. but, to me, it's more than just missing you; it's also about realizing how perfect you are compared to me. you're kind, thoughtful, and caring in a way that i can only aspire to be. you always knew the right things to say, the right way to comfort me when i was feeling down. you never judged me for my flaws or insecurities; instead, you embraced them and made me feel beautiful in my own skin. and oh, how i miss that feeling of being truly seen and loved for who i am. i know i'm just a young girl, still figuring things out and making mistakes along the way, but you were always so mature beyond your years, so confident in yourself and your abilities. you had this way of making everything seem so effortless, whether it was acing a test or simply being there for me when i needed you most. and even though we're no longer together, i can't help but admire the person you've become and wish that i could be more like you. you're you. which in my eyes already makes you perfect but you top that. you're sporty, and you are actually good at the sport, and you have goals for life. i guess what i'm trying to say is that I miss you, more than words can express. i miss your smile, your texts, your warmth. but another thing i miss, one that could never compare to how much i miss you, i miss the person i was when i was with you—the best version of myself. when i was around you, i felt like i could just truly be myself without getting judged. you were always so perfect in my eyes though. perfect in a way that made me feel unworthy of your love in comparison. you were smart, funny, and incredibly charming, with this magnetic personality that drew people to you like moths to a flame. and me? well, i was just me - awkward, clumsy, and never quite sure of myself. but you, you were like something out of a dream, someone i could never hope to measure up to. i miss the way you used to look at me, with those beautiful eyes that seemed to see right through to my soul. you always knew how to make me feel special, even on my worst days when i felt like i was falling apart. you had this way of making everything seem okay, of reassuring me that i was worthy of love and happiness. and for that, i'll always be grateful to you. i'll always be grateful to you for everything. i still hope one day, we could cross paths again. until then, just know that you'll always hold a special place in my heart.

an - i miss my ex

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