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hey ------. me again. im writing because i dont know how long i can keep these feelings bottled up inside for. im still thinking about you all day everyday, and its been tough lately, ive been struggling to put into words how much i miss you. i miss you more than words can ever convey. every moment without you feels like a lifetime, and i find myself drowning in memories of our time together. your absence is a heavy weight on my chest, crushing me with the realization that what we had is now just a bittersweet memory. i miss you in ways i never even knew were possible. its like a part of me is stuck in the past, unable to move on from the memories we shared. you meant everything to me, and still do, and the thought of not having you by my side anymore breaks my heart. i still love you, more than I can express. every day feels like a war against the emptiness left behind by our breakup. its like a constant storm raging within me, chomping away at the bit. and ive been fighting with these emotions for what feels like an eternity, amd i cant keep locking them away. its really hard to wake up each morning and go to sleep at night knowing that you're no longer there to talk to, to hold, that our love story has come to an end. but even in the midst of this pain, i can't help but hold onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, there's a chance for us to find our way back to each other. but i doubt that would happen. still, every littlr thing reminds me of you and i cant help but wish things would go back to how they were a few months ago. the memories we made together are glued into my heart, and it's tearing me to peices knowing that those moments are now just echoes and whispers of the past. the pain of our breakup is a constant ache that i can't seem to escape. the pain just completely comsumes me, swallows me whole, leaving me lost in a sea of heartache. i still love you, with every little bit of my existance and i can't help but wonder if you feel even a fraction of the emptiness i feel without you, or if you feel the same, if the memories haunt you as they do to me. but somewhere inbetween all this pain, there's still a flicker of hope burning inside me. a glimst of hope that maybe, just maybe, we can find our way back to eachother and try again one day. every little thing, i think of it as a sign, but i know now thats just me being stupid. i still love you, you know? and it's hard to move on when all I want is to be with you. the breakup broke me. it feels like im stuck in this never-ending cycle of pain and longing. but i guess that's just how life goes sometimes, right? i hope you're happy, even if it's not with me. ill always hope your happy, on top of the world, even if im here wallowing in sadness. until then, ill hold onto the fragments of our love, clinging to the belief that someday, somehow, we'll maybe find our way back to each other.

an - this one is more like a story hahah i miss him more and more everyday.

how my ex makes me feelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя