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I was so cought up in my own words I didn't notice my mom had come back to get me.

"It's time to go.." she said softly, by her tone I knew she didn't hear anything I just said, which is a good thing...I think.

I stood up and grasped her hand as we walked away from the only place I had ever let my feelings pour.



The drive home was as quiet as when we were driving to the graveyard. The silence was our way of grief, comfort only happened when you were halfway past that terrible feeling, so that you can feel stronger for others.

We made many, many stops on the road, it was nighttime now.

When we arrived home I stared at my mom as she got out of the car first, her expression was enough to make a grown man cry, because no one could power through the emotion she is carrying right now..

Inside of the house didn't look the same as when we left, I mean, everything was in its place...but it felt more sad, almost empty..like a spot was missing..?

"Jisung.." her voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked over and see her clenching the purse string she was wearing over her shoulder. I didn't need to answer before she started speaking again.

"I need to talk to you."

The tone in her voice caught me completely off guard. "About what?" I asked meekly.

She sighed before sitting down on the couch and patted the soft cushion spot next to it. "You should sit down first."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, caught between laughing and crying I sat down next to her, my face showed a 'what is it?' type of

"Jisung, I was thinking today at the graveyard that it was the right thing to visit your father. It may not have seemed like it but it provided me the closure that I have desperately been needing to move on. And I was thinking to help that 'moving on' process, we should sell your dad's stuff."

My face turned pale, "s-sell? Are you joking?"

"Well, not all of his stuff," she urgently added, "just the small stuff."

I stand up. Something came over me, maybe it was anger, or maybe it was the grief I had never been able to let out. "So you come up with this conclusion? To sell his stuff?!"

I scoff loudly, "you know what, mom, you are only able to say you have moved on because of me! But I haven't, I haven't even begun to because I've been way to strong for you!"

In other circumstances his mom would have put him in his place, but she knew how vulnerable he was and how vulnerable the situation was, "Jisung, I-"

"No, mom!" I interrupted, "I knew this day was going to come, where I was going to come fourth about my feelings, but I certainly didn't think it was going to be because you are only thinking of yourself! It's the fact that you think those 'small' stuff of his isn't worth anything but a garage sale that you are being selfish!!"

I shut myself up after I said that last part. Oh no..what have I done? I called the mom who has done everything and anything she can for me to continue being happy, selfish.


My thoughts began to plague.

How dare you, you inconsiderate child.

I shook my head at my own self before running out of the house in distress.

I ran and ran, passing every small street light, I don't want to go where anyone could find me. So screw it, I took a turn down the dark path that led to the forbidden bridge.


After a few minutes of running down the path, I came across this long stone bridge, it looked like I was in the middle of a very large forest.

I walked into the middle of a bridge to get a better view, it was very high up and water flooded the bottom with a couple of big rocks.

The deep breath I took made me so relaxed I couldn't hold back from crying. I lean my arms on the ledge of the bridge and continue to cry.

My tears fell on the bridge, one by one. I've cried more today than I have in three years, it was very sad.


"Oh, he's crying.." a deep, male voice spoke, it sounded like he was talking to himself. I turned around to see a boy that looked my age sitting on the opposite end of the bridge, on the ledge.

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