Chapter 9: Wise Fools

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It was a terrible stench. That much was true. The old stone walls were worn away from time, covered in moss and cracks. Amelia stood in the long stone corridor, her heart practically beating out of her chest. The smell was so terrible that she could barely breathe. She wanted to leave, but her body couldn't bring itself to move. It was like she was stuck in one place. Though suddenly, loud footsteps echo in the corridor from behind her. Someone, or something, was approaching her. Despite this, Amelia still couldn't budge from her spot. Not because she was scared, but because her body didn't allow her to. She felt trapped, confined, restrained. Something encapsulated her very spirit. The thud of the footsteps approached closer, as Amelia could vividly hear her heart pounding. The steps boomed up until they reached right behind her. Whispering in her ear, a voice murmured.


But that was exactly what she neglected to do. Amelia found her body functioning like normal again as she took off down the dark corridor. The footsteps resumed as she ran, booming loudly behind her. But no matter how fast and how far she ran, the steps continued to draw themselves closer to her. Until eventually, she found herself in a room. A familiar room.

A very familiar room.

The wallpaper was practically worn away, and the hardwood floors were decrepit and broken. The sounds of troubled breathing came from behind her. Amelia would steadily direct her attention behind herself. She widened her eyes, as an unmitigated fear struck her heart. She was face to face with what she regarded as the worst man to live. Yet, a white spear of energy was impaled into his neck, the blood gushing out violently. Amelia suddenly found herself shorter, with blood on her hands. Why? What was the purpose? Was this some sort of divine punishment struck down upon her? Amelia could do nothing but stare in horror at the bloody scene, the life fading from the man's eyes. But suddenly, she heard her name, a feminine voice calling out to her.


Amelia opened her eyes and swiftly sat up. She nearly smacked her adversary next to her. "Woah! Relax." The other girl said. Amelia rubbed her eyes and got a good look at who was in front of her. "Oh. It's just you, Kyla." Kyla smiled at her and placed a hand on her hip. "It's 10 AM. You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Amelia sighed as she crawled out of bed, sitting on the edge of it. "More like a nightmare." She said, as Kyla frowned at her friend with visible concern. "Another nightmare? I thought you said they stopped?" Amelia averted her gaze towards the curtain. "I thought so too. Guess they just don't want to." Kyla's smile returned, as she walked over to the door. "Well, I'm already ready to go. Jamari actually called. He wanted to meet at the library for a study session." Amelia raised an eyebrow.

"He did?" She questioned. Kyla nodded as she opened the door. "We have that big test coming up. He thought it would be a good idea to study together." Amelia couldn't disagree. But for Jamari of all people to instigate it perturbed her. She hoped he wasn't planning anything. "I'll get ready. Meet you there." Kyla smiled at her friend, before exiting the room. Amelia sighed before sliding off the bed to ready herself.

After showering, Amelia picked out what outfit she would wear. "Studying..." She murmured. They had no classes today, so they had a lot more autonomy. She decided to go with a large hoodie and her skirt. The most basic outfit ever. Making sure she had everything she needed, Amelia made her way out the door. Around this time, many other students were exiting their dormitories to get started on daily routines. Luckily, her dorm was on the first floor. Amelia trudged down the paved street, headed in the direction of the library. As she did, she took in the surroundings of the prestigious campus.

Expertly designed layout, meticulously structured to attune with the students. Locations across the campus were easily accessible through walking. The paved brick streets were clean, vibrant, and matched the vibe of the buildings. Though the school has existed for quite some time, each building was not even a bit weary. Amelia pondered on who the geniuses were that designed such things. Before long, she made it further down the street, approaching the library. However, before she could travel up the steps, a voice called from behind her.

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