Chapter 5: Ambush

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The two-co-scientist backed side by side, both of their fists raised. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The masked man said. "If you fight back even a little, they will blow multiple holes in your chest. That would be splendid, wouldn't it? Rather, splendid for us." 1245 glanced around at the latter, counting at least seven extra guys, making eight in total. In order to converse with 5554, he spoke telepathically to 5554, like he did once before. Instead of communicating with his co-worker, he heard the masked individual's voice slam into his head instead. 1245 winced, grabbing his temple from the sudden pain. "I wouldn't try tricks if I were you." He spoke. "I told you. Any attempt to fight back will leave multiple holes in your chest." The masked man waved his hand, as the others opened fire onto the two scientist locations.

5554 narrowed his eyes, as blue lightning shrouded himself. Within his perception, the fired projectiles slowed down to a comical degree. as 5554 grabbed 1245's arm and zoomed out the way of them, tossing him to the side. With a swift turn and point, arcs of energy blasted from 5554's finger, which shocked the seven-armed individuals. Their bodies twitch and shake as they go crumpling to the ground. However, their bodies melted into a green goo. 5554 then glared at the original. "Let's try this again. You'll return the stolen chrome, and—" Before 5554 could even finish uttering his sentence, he was slammed in the gut by a heavy right jab, which caused 5554's eyes to widen in surprise. The striking arm wasn't all too fazed by the electricity.

Another swift attack came from above, as the boy swung his opposite leg upwards, striking the boy genius in his temple, making him tumble across the ground. 1245 from his side of the area raised his arm, causing multiple pieces of the equipment on the trashed tables to rise, as he chucked them at the enemy.

Said enemy trudged towards 1245, whilst simply jerking his head to the side, causing the improvised projectiles to miss. 1245 was surprised, but he didn't allow this to deter him. Rushing towards them, they threw a right hook to their face. The masked individual raised his same sided arm, grappling onto their wrist while speaking. "I suppose now would be good to tell you who I am." Twisting 1245's wrist, he brought his other fist and struck him in the nose, causing 1245 to tumble backwards in pain, before the other slammed his fist into their cranium. "I am the leader of the Anti-Chrome Society. You'll call me nothing but JJ." 5554 stood up from being grounded earlier, rubbing his arm. "JJ huh. Well, you've been a real pain in the ass, know that?" 5554 aimed his hand, and fired off a flurry of blue electrical bullets. JJ raised his arm, as a nanomachine shield formed, blocking the projectiles. Like the guns from the other men, it had green streaks running through it.

With a swift thrust of his hand, JJ created a whip, and snapped it towards 5554. 5554 rolled out the way of the whip, and threw more projectiles, this time in the form of jagged spikes. JJ simply sidestepped the bolts, before causing the shield and whip to morph into a sword, as they impaled it into the chrome covered ground. A large explosion occurs, as 5554 covered his eyes through the smoke of the blast. 1245 joined next to him. "The hell did they do?" When the dust cleared, the chrome from the ground bellowed had liquified, and now curled up onto JJ's sword, merging with it, and turning it a tinted purple color. The two scientists looked bewildered at this sight.

"All that research on chrome, yet you cannot fathom the extent of its capabilities, let alone use its basic ones." With a single swipe of the now chromatic blade, a slash of the chrome came blasting towards. 1245 stepped in front of his comrade and made a swift hand gesture. The slash began to slow as it got closer to them, before eventually coming to a complete stop. "Woah! Sweet trick! Where'd you learn that?" 5554 asked, with a grin. "Always." 1245 replied with. JJ moved from his spot, ghosting behind the individuals. 5554 shrouded his body in electricity, and spun to meet him, aiming a swift strike towards their head. JJ weaved his body to the side, causing the hit to miss its mark, before raising his sword and slamming the butt of the hilt into his gut, before swiftly uppercutting him in the chin.

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