Chapter 1: Discombobulation

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The boy genius slammed his hands on the table, closing his eyes whilst groaning in frustration. This situation was too dire, and too preposterous to ignore. He along with the rest of his co-workers lost so much in the span of two days. 1125 was dead, as well the head-scientist of chrome labs. To add even more salt to the wound, the one who supposedly knew the most about what purple chrome could do was missing. He completely vanished. 5554 heaved a heavy sigh. That chrome entity was still on the loose, and the entire facility was on edge. Even with all of his own inventions, he failed to locate 9637 or the chromatic entity, dubbed Echo. "What a great mind I have.." He muttered to himself with dry sarcasm. 5554 sat down in his chair, placing a hand on his forehead.

On the "bright" side, this Echo character hasn't attacked anyone after its escape. He was certain that a six-foot-tall mechanical robot with a purple glow would make the news pretty fast. 5554 decided it would be best for everyone's sake to find it before that happens. That would not only trigger the public to start trusting the anti-chrome society but give chromatic laboratories a bad name.

What the hell was he going to do?

5554 put his head down, wrapped up in his own thoughts before he heard the sliding door open. Raising his gaze, he saw 1245 standing before him. "Hey." 5554 said flatly. 1245 stared down at his adversary, the troubled gaze on his face evident. "Any luck on locating the chrome entity?" 1245 asked. 5554 shook his head solemnly. 1245 sighed in disappointment. 5554 stood up from his seat. "I'm still going to try my best. But forget about my technology. What about your abilities? Can't you dive into people's minds or something?" 1245 nods, folding his arms. "Like I did to you two days ago? Yeah. But I can't find the chrome entity for obvious reasons..and I can't locate 9637 either." 5554's eyes slant, in his annoyance.

"It's getting to the point where we may have to go out and look for him ourselves. He couldn't have gone far." 1245 scoffed, closing his eyes. "You make it sound so easy. He could be anywhere. Anywhere in the world." 5554 rolled his eyes as he trudged over a desk, opening a cabinet. "He couldn't have gone far. No way he was transported across the world..right?" 1245 shook his head. He had not a clue.

"That isn't all we have to worry about, 5554. As of now, we are the only two other scientists in power. Frankly, neither of us are fit for the task. 1125 is dead, and so is Asimo."5554 looked down, anguish visible in his eyes. It was obvious he still felt guilty for both deaths. A great intellect, only to submit to the will of a presumably all-powerful entity. Why be smart if you aren't strong? "We still conduct research on chrome, right?" 5554 asked. "We do, but it's been going exceedingly slow...a lot of the others are too frightened by its capabilities to even try studying it. After seeing what that entity did..." It was understandable. The thought that lurked in the back of everyone's mind: Would more beings like echo form? Would they construct bodies for themselves? The idea seemed ludicrous, but after witnessing firsthand what purple chrome could achieve...

5554 widened his eyes. "That's it!" 1245 raised an eyebrow, glancing over at 5554. "What exactly is "it," 5554?" 5554 spun around to face 1245, his cheeky grin plastered on his face. "We use our resources. Purple chrome. We've seen what it can do, right? We just aren't thinking big enough." 1245 put a hand on his chin, thinking about it. "I suppose that's true...but we forgot one factor. How to even utilize it. We have no true clue on how to manipulate chrome at a whim." 5554 chuckled, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "We may not be able to...but 9637 can." 1245 looked at him, perplexed at what he was getting at.

5554 grinned, beckoning for 1245 to follow him.

CLATTER! 5554 aggressively opened a drawer in 9637's office, pulling out wads of notes and papers. "9637 isn't here. But he has tons of notes on how to use and harness chrome. We can use these notes.." He shifted through the papers, pulling out blueprints as well. "Working in conjunction...." His smile grew as he held up a blueprint of the Chromatic Bracelet.

"....With the bracelet!" 1245 took the schematics from 5554, peering at them. "You designed these when 9637 first thought of them. You'll be able to produce more?" 5554 nods. "We have a lot of chrome and can go to the caverns to stock up on more if we need it. Besides, we don't need that many of them. Just a single bracelet would do. We harness the chrome..and bingo. We found our entity, and 9637." 1245 glanced at the young genius. It was a well thought out plan. "Before we do this 5554...we need to address everyone about it. Production needs to be past 80 percent. On top of that, we're on a timer that could blow as we speak." 5554 already began making his way towards the door. "Then what the heck are you waiting for man? Let's go!"

The two scientists exit 9637's office, a spark of hope filling them.

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