Chapter 6: The Watcher

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Tamsin stared up at the armored being, his expression Blank. Vi stood behind him nervously. She could feel the overwhelming amount of power emitting from this being. Yet, Tamsin stood before it unperturbed. Deafening silence covered the area for a few moments, before Tamsin finally broke it. "A watcher, you call yourself. I take it you've been "watching" me then. So much so you cannot allow me to leave for some unprecedented reason?" The watcher rumbled, as its armor plates visibly shifted. "Us Watchers are beings of wisdom and power. We have come to a conclusion on your existence." The watcher leaned down to Tamsin, white pupils glowing from between the helmet's sockets. "My name is Watcher Futaih. You, Tamsin, are an anomaly. You should not exist. But this isn't news to you, pale one. You know exactly what you are." Tamsin remained silent, staring up at the watcher. Vi shifted, feeling the growing tension in the area. "As expected," Tamsin said, closing his eyes. "So, you planned to lock me up in this realm, hoping that my body would perish from its abnormalities." The Watcher stood up to its full height.

"Perceptive." It said, "However, that will not save you. Since this realm has failed its duty, I'll dispose of you myself." Vi narrowed her eyes when the watcher said this, as she opened her mouth to say something. Before Tamsin and Vi could react, a metallic fist slammed into Tamsin's chin, sending him blasting across the landscape. Vi's cry out to him deafened as Tamsin went skidding into the distance. Flying with him, the watcher's eyes glowed a bright white, before it smashed its foot down towards Tamsin. Tamsin swiftly rolled out the way, jumping to his feet. The watcher however remained relentless, assaulting him further. It rushed inwards at surprising velocity, throwing heavy strikes towards the scientist.

Tamsin back stepped, weaving his body from side to side, evading the strikes of the being with relative ease. The watcher rumbled to them as it attacked. "Why not shed that human look of yours, pale one? I've seen through the facade." Tamsin skidded backwards after dodging another strike, sighing to himself. "I suppose you're right." Closing his eyes. Tamsin's body would shift. His skin turned a pale gray, and the color of his jacket would change as well to its dark blue hue. Now dawning his signature fedora, Tamsin tipped it to the armor cladded being, a slight smile on his face.

"Earlier, you called me an anomaly. But what are you, oh powerful watcher?" The watcher rumbled, as he reached between the plates of its armor. "Do not mock me, creature." They produced a long white sword and aimed it at Tamsin. "Balance is what we oversee. You disrupt that balance with your own petty dreams." Tamsin tilted his head downwards, placing both his hands in his pockets. "Balance." Tamsin repeated. "Then you should know that I'm not the only one." The watcher nods, acknowledging this. "I am well aware. But you. You are the most dangerous of them all. Do you know why?" Tamsin chuckled, raising his arm. "Enlighten me."

The watcher walked towards them, dragging their weapon against the ground. "This universe is the same as the others we overview. Infinite possibilities. Timelines and realities generated indefinitely. However, in no universe does a scenario like so occur. It simply is not possible." The watcher's eyes seemed to brighten as it gazed at Tamsin. "Yet, when you entered the picture, you made something that could never occur. Because you exist in none of these other timelines, pale one. You are the odd one out." Tamsin put one hand on his chin. "Dear me, all this talk about several universes makes my head hurt." They said, with dry sarcasm. "Shall we get back to our squabble?" The watcher let out a grunt, before rushing at Tamsin once again.

Instead of staying put, Tamsin also advanced towards them, in the same manner. The watcher dragged its weapon against the ground, before swinging it upwards at Tamsin's head. As it approached, a purple hue flashed from Tamsin's wrist, as a blade of purple chrome protruded from his bracelet, parrying the slash of the watcher's weapon. The two beings crossed each other, ending up on opposite sides. Tamsin swiftly spun around and thrust the chromatic blade at the watchers back. The watcher however twisted and used the flat of its weapon to block the strike Tamsin performed. But to the watcher's surprise, the chrome would shift properties, and swarm the blade that it used. The blade looked to have been taken over by the chrome, as it ripped itself from their hands, now floating next to Tamsin.

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