Chapter 12: Born to die

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Brandon's POV

Callie died yesterday. It happened so fast, I barely had time to say goodbye. The last time I saw her happy and seemingly healthy was the last night of sleep she'd gotten. I remember that she didn't get much sleep, but in the morning she convinced me she would be okay at her parents house.

Then I went to band practice with her on my mind, wondering if there was a way I could convince my moms to invite them over for dinner- my freshest memory of Callie replaying in my mind. Her hands on my chest, fingers tugging at my hair, my name falling from her lips in breathless pants.

To me, it sucks that those are my last good memories of her. Mostly because I know she was so much better than that. That she was a person with a purpose, that I'm so lucky to have known her. 

After band practice, I got the call. It was Robert, telling me that Callie was in the hospital, telling me how she'd been sick all morning and eventually lost consciousness. At first I was worried and got to the hospital as fast as I could, but then I was furious. Why didn't Robert call me sooner? Why did I let her convince me that the next time I see her wouldn't be in a hospital bed?

It's not my fault that Callie's dead. I know that. But it's my fault for letting her go and thinking that it would be okay. I knew that she was sick. I knew it was going to get worse. The only problem is I didn't know how long it would take.

Looking over at the clock, it's only been about eight hours since Stef had to pull me out of Callie's room while all I could do was stare at her limp body in shock and hope that I could hear the heart monitor over the chaos. Then came my tears and I couldn't stop crying.

Callie Jacob, the girl who's been my best friend since first grade- the one person I trusted more than anyone, including my parents- gone. Just like that. It hurts just thinking about it, and how I already know that I'm never going to find someone one like her again, because to me she was perfect.

Yeah, she had a lot of flaws, but that's what made her so perfect. She never tried to be something she's not, she always tried to be as honest with herself as she could. But at least she was aware of her flaws. It didn't make her self conscious and unconfident. Instead she decided to use them to her advantage.

I can't help but think that when she could've used them to her advantage this time, was the only time she didn't. She didn't take chemotherapy, or do anything her doctor suggested. Instead she deiced to spend time with me. Out of all the people, it was me. I took her away from her family in the last few months of her life. And now she's gone.

I hope she knows I'm sorry.

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