Chapter One: Ready to run

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Chapter One: Ready to run

"Sweetheart, you can't ignore your friends forever." My mom says, sitting down on the bed next to me. I don't answer. The past week has already been painful with my family finding out. I don't know how I'll tell Brandon and Mariana.

"You said I can do it when I'm ready, mom," I mumble, pinching the bridge of my nose. I love my mom, don't get me wrong. Sometimes she just frustrates me so much. "I'm only going to get worse. It's okay to say that."

Maybe my words were to harsh for her. I didn't mean for them to hurt her, and instantly feel guilt when I see the tears in her eyes. "Things get worse before the get better, Callie. Can't you try to be happy?" She asks desperately, and I sigh. I do try to be happy.

"You heard the doctors, Mom. There's a good chance that I won't get better. And I am trying to be happy. It would be easier if you didn't treat me like I'm going to break any second. I'm human, not a China doll."

She gives me a forced smile. "That's my Callie. Always so strong. And stubborn, but that's a different story."

"Maybe if I'm stubborn enough I won't die." I say before I think about how it will affect her. I haven't accepted the fact that my doctor has diagnosed me with cancer, but I've accepted the fact that we all die someday.

"Goodnight, Callie," Mom murmurs, kissing my cheek. I can hear the fear in her voice, and I feel worse. "Don't forget to call if you need me or dad. Mariana called earlier her and Brandon wanted to know if you wanted to hang out this weekend."

I could use a weekend with Mariana and Brandon. Brandon and I have been friends since as long as I can remember. Then his moms adopted Mariana and her brother, Jesus. Looking over at my clock, I smile. The small light says its 10:00 pm. Sophia went to bed early today, and Jude is at Connors, after I told him it was okay. Mom and Dad just went to bed.

There's a small sticky note on my dresser, and I grab it, along with my car keys. I turn off my light, that way if mom or dad wake up in the middle of the night, they'll just assume I'm in sleeping. Levi doesn't bark when he sees me coming down the stairs and sneak out the garage.

I have snuck out before. But this time it's different. My heart races as I start my car. Plugging my phone in and rolling down my windows. This time feels like the first time all over again- expect I know how to make the best of it. Turning up the radio as loud as it goes, I start driving into the night with only one thing on my mind: Brandon Foster.

His name brings a smile to my face, the first time I have smiled this week. The past week has been full of depression, and if I'm going to die, I don't want everybody to be so upset about it. I roll my car windows down, letting the wind rush past my ears as music blares from the radio.

I can move mountains. I can work a miracle, work a miracle. I'll keep you like an oath. May nothing but death do us part...

The roads are empty. It's beautiful. The world is so alive to me at night, that's when you see the most if you look closely. It's empty at this hour, but that's the best part. It's just me and my music, and hopefully in few minutes, Brandon.

She wants to dance like Uma Thurman. Bury me 'til I confess. She wants to dance like Uma Thurman...

"Sorry, Patrick." I murmur as I turn off the music. Stef and Lena were kind enough to give me the extra key to there house. Lets just say it's one of the worst choices they could have made. Nobody is awake, and my heart starts to race again. The Fosters are my second home. I shouldn't be nervous about being here. When I open the door to his bedroom, he's sleeping peacefully.

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