S1 PT3: "Business"

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N & V's shelter, 5 A.M.

N heavily pants. He puts a blanket over himself and V. Digital sweat runs down his visor.

"You asked me for round 6, and yet, you still last just a few minutes." V proceeds to smirk.
"Like, remember how we were making R?" V continues.
"You lasted exactly 32,4 seconds. You are a fast one, N." V softly chuvkles and sighs.

"V, please, dont even remind me." Says N, weakly. While still panting.

"Ooooh, my little eNnie is upset? You're that, uhm... Superman. Yeah. Superman. Man faster than a speeding bullet!" V chuckles.

N gives her an annoyed look, and sighs.
He kisses her on her cheek and cuddles up to V. V returns the kiss.

"Soooo..." V narrows her eyes.
"Round seve-" N shushes her with a kiss on the lips.
"No. I dont wanna hear your jokes about me being... augh! too quick! You'll say im faster than the flash or something!" N closes his eyes and kisses her on the lips again.

V cups N's cheek. She hums and cuddles up to N's chest.

"Love u. eNnie."

"First of all, love u too. V. Second of all. Please dont call me that..." N blushes and gives V a stern look.

V chuckles and closes her eyes. She slowly drifts off to sleep in N's arms, warm from the oil circulating and heating up, as his biomechanical heart, still pumps it fast after their intense, and very quick (because of N.) encounter. N kisses her forehead and rests his head on her. He then also drifts off to a peaceful slumber with V in his arms. He plays with her. Uhm. Petrol dispensers. Because they're soft.

N wakes up the next night to see that V is already gone. He groans and dresses up. To see V in the kitchen down the small corridor. He warmly smiles at R. Who is in her arms. Making baby noises as always.

"Good morning, did you sleep well, daddy's loud-ball? N chuckles.

V warmly smiles at N as he cradles R in his arms. N kisses R's forehead.

1 hour earlier

V wakes up to see N still sleeping and drooling. His right hand on V's. Uh. One of her petrol dispensers.
V stretches and lets her goofy and adorable husband enjoy his dreams further. She dresses up and smooches N's cheek. And goes to the kitchen. She gets her breakfast, which is a worker drone's leg. She sips oil out of it.

Suddenly, V's maternal instincts go into overdrive again. She hears R crying.

"Well. Someone woke up too."

V mumbles to herself and gets up from the steel chair. She enters R's room. He is on the big bed bed with pillows and a few plushies around him.
R sees V. He instantly stops crying and curiously gazes at V. Still sleepy. V lifts R up in her arms and caresses him, hoping he will fall asleep again and she will avoid the morning headache.
Ofcourse, R does not sleep. He starts to giggle. Affectionately looking at V. Pure, childish hapiness in his yellow neon eyes. And love for mommy. He babbles and smiles. V sighs.

"Good morning to you too, my little unit of cuddle-struction." V runs a finger down his body. And weakly smiles, also groggy.

V goes to the kitchen to warm up a bottle of petrol for R. She...
Uhm, lets say, avoids letting him latch onto her. V gives R her own petrol. But she puts it into a bottle. V is just more comfortable this way.

V brings R some warm petrol. He groans and tries to latch on it, frenzily trying to bite the tip of the bottle.
R finally securely latches onto the bottle. He proceeds to suckle and hum in satisfaction. He closes his eyes and contentedly chirps.

Chirp! Cheep! Chirp!
R happily looks at V.

"Okay okay, mommy's gonna eat ya!"
V hugs R tight and tickles him. While playfully trying to bite him.

R squeals in amusement and joy as he watches V's sharp, steel teeth near him. And listen to V's playful growls.
V continues to tickle R, making him emit more baby laughter and giggling.
V peekaboos with R and just makes sure he has fun. Enjoying the simple joys of precious motherhood. In the shelter, where she lives with her baby son, and the love of her life, N. She feels complete and happy at this point in time.

1 hour later

N is cradling R in his arms. R happily looks at him. With pure affection and playfulness.

In the family, N remains the emotional support and R's playful father. R relies on his daddy for protection and fun!
V is the family's mother. And kind of the man of the house. N still acts clumsy and awkward, even after becoming a dad. V hunts, looks after N and R. N sometimes hunts instead of her, but he comes back just to say that he didnt see any worker drones. That dumbass always looks for them near the city's outskirts. Their little shelter is in the city's outskirts. The city they live near used to be one of the biggest ones on Copper-9. Acropolis City. There are multiple worker drone colonies in the massive city. So, V has no trouble finding them. They roam in the central square and near road intersections around Acropolis City.

Acropolis City is far away from the smaller city in which Uzi and her colony reside. On the other side of the planet. V and N retreated here for a tranquil life. Leaving behind their connections with others.

At this point. N is just grateful to have a family with the woman he loves and knows almost his whole life, and for the strong love they share. Nothing can break them apart. And they know that.
R is the symbol of their union. R is a little piece of N and V. Their medium.

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