Do I Make You Nervous?

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Hermione looks at herself in the mirror, studying her face and practicing facial expressions. Through the wall, she can hear and feel the bass and thumping from the music that's playing out there. She stares at herself, turning to the left, right, and around so she can look at herself from every angle. There are drunk and flustered girls filing in and out of the loo like it's got a revolving door, greeting her with happy smiles and, "Go piss, girl," as though they're all friends.

She'd decided to go simple for her outfit, choosing to wear a tight black dress with thin straps and ruching on the sides. It stops about four or five inches below her rear, contouring to every curve of her body, with a straight neckline that allows her ruby necklace to be the focal point. Her strappy black heels are much too high, but they have platforms, so they're easy to walk in. She'd even had to jog to cross the street with everyone, and hadn't had any issues. Her brown passion twists are pulled back at the sides with two gold pins Pansy lent her and while Pansy hadn't been able to convince her to wear eyeshadow, Hermione had put on the lipstick that she'd worn before the Coffin Incident, back when she was being silly and trying to impress Malfoy.

And now she's hiding from him.

Hermione picks up her long peacoat from where she had set it on the counter, taking a deep breath. She'd been wearing it since she left her dorm room and hadn't had the courage to take it off yet. But she'd sat at a booth along the side of the club building with several other Eighth Years, and had a drink to loosen herself up. So now she's flushed and too hot, and the coat has to go.

She's been so nervous being around Malfoy, regretting wearing the risque dress the second they walked through the Floo in the Headmistress' office. It was cold outside, which gave her the excuse to keep her coat on, but now that she is inside a nightclub packed wall-to-wall with people and dark, flashing lights, she's been getting too many questions.

It was time to remove her coat, and now she's been in here for fifteen minutes, debating Apparating somewhere else. Anywhere else.

"Hi, Hermione!" Hannah stumbles in on her heels in her sparkly red dress. Parvati, wearing tight trousers and a cropped metallic top, is close behind her. They're both a giggling mess, and their hair is disheveled from dancing. "You've been hiding in here."

"Oh, no. I had a drink and then came in here to situate myself," Hermione says, smiling. "I'm a bit...nervous."

"Whatever for?" Hannah hits the side of the open door to the stall she enters. She talks to Hermione over the sound of her using the toilet, which makes Hermione want to laugh. "Your dress looks amazing. So good on you. You've been hiding all that, you know."

"Oh, honestly." Hermione's cheeks flush with heat.

"That necklace is stunning!" Parvati says, leaning in close with wide eyes. "Where did you get it?"

"It was a gift," Hermione says, choosing her words carefully. Parvati does not like Malfoy and she likely never will. Despite the fact that everyone saw Malfoy kissing her in the Great Hall a couple of days ago, Parvati probably doesn't want a reminder of it.

"Well, it goes really great with your dress and looks great on your skin, too. Gold jewelry is my favorite." Parvati grins, pushing strands of her hip-length black hair behind her ear. It reveals a beautiful gold earring that dangles and sparkles.

Hannah stumbles out of the stall, nearly toppling against the wall and giggling like a madwoman while she babbles. "I think I've had too much to drink. I'm five seconds away from asking Malfoy to dance! But I wouldn't do that to you, Hermione. Oh, also those shoes are so cute. They make you so much taller."

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