Chapter 11

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During the rest of the day, Alastor already went back to his room and ate his jambalaya, he just sat down on his bed as he still felt sad. Then he looked out the window and saw a strange demon outside coming straight to the hotel as he sighs, putting up his usual smile before teleporting to the lobby to go see who this person is as he heard a knock and Charlie went to open it.

"Wassup bitches! Missed the original dick everyone?!" A familiar voice was heard as Alastor twitched his eye as he recognized that voice.

"What... Uhm, nuh-uh ain't no way you are even alive!" Charlie said as she found this hard to believe.

"Believe it bitch, I'm back!" Adam said then he saw Niffty running towards him as he screamed like a girl before flying up.

"Can I stab?" Niffty said as she manically laughed. Lilith then came into the lobby before noticing Adam, she immediately backed away knowing the deal she made with him for those 7 years.

"Lovely, I didn't want to see you here, also go ahead Niffty, you may" Alastor said not giving a shit about Adam.

"Yay!!" Niffty said as she pulled out her needle since Charlie took away her angelic knife months ago.

"NO GET THAT LITTLE FUCKER AWAY FROM MEEE!!! I ONLY CAME HERE ONLY CAUSE OF GOD!!" Adam screamed then he noticed Lilith backing away as he teleported to her and hid behind her. "Nice seeing you again Lilith~"

"Adam, stop trying to get back with my mother.... She left you Eons ago" Charlie said as she sighs of annoyance.

"Oh? But we fucked for the past 7 years~" Adam said with a smug grin. Lilith looked a bit nervous as well.

"Ok, that has to be a lie, right mom?" Charlie said in hopes it isn't true.

"Oh wow, I think I should go get your father..!" Lilith said as she was avoiding the answer, but just then she turned and saw Vaggie dragging Lucifer in here as he was still in his duckie pajamas as he just frog blinks at Lilith.

"Actually miss, uh I already got him- I had to dragged him here while he was hiding some secret duck pile stash he didn't want to tell me-" Vaggie said then gave Adam a quick glare and started cursing at him in Spanish.

"So... Was Adam telling the truth? If so, I don't care anymore" Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes since he stopped loving her.

"PFFT! Ha! You're wearing duckie pajamas?! That's so fucking childish!!" Adam said as he laughed.

"Look, I don't care what you think.... I'm just sulking over my own misery...." Lucifer said as he looked away, Alastor then looked at the side sadly before teleporting away into the shadows.

"I'm glad you're just finally out of your room dad...! But are you ok...?" Charlie said as she gave her dad a hug then looked at him with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah... But Maggie was the one who got me out and I wasn't in the mood to struggle as much..." Lucifer said as he yawns, then a little duck fell out of his pocket before a little Alastor duck was shown, as he noticed he quickly grabbed it and put it in his pocket before anyone could have seen it.

"Also dad... What did you mean by that you don't care about that silly lie Adam told awhile ago?" Charlie then asked, a bit curious.

"Ah.... Charlie.... About that.... Well I just lost interest in her now.... And I moved on.... To someone.... I'd rather keep that to myself though..." Lucifer said as his eyes were saddened a bit. ".... I think I'm going back to my room no—"

"Should I say it, or you?" Lilith said as she was going to expose them.

"Lilith... Don't you dare.... I'll tell her when I'm ready, so keep quiet.... Now that I think about it.... You did something.... Didn't you...?" Lucifer said as he glares at her, thinking that she probably said something to Alastor on that day.

"Who me? Of course not!" Lilith said as she lied.

"Bullshit..... You probably didn't like the fact I was happy with someone else just so I could be alone just how you left me alone when you took Charlie with me! The fact that you are the only other person in this hotel proves the facts! I shouldn't have been blaming myself..... I should have been blaming you!! Am I correct?!" Lucifer then said to her as tears fell down his face. Adam was enjoying this life drama as he pulled out popcorn, Lilith just stood there being silent. Lucifer then stayed silent as he turned around about to go back to his room.

"I moved on for a reason.... I gave up on you and I can't deal with having to wait for your answer.... Goodbye Lilith.... Also if it's true.... Go fuck Adam then..." Lucifer said as he teleported back to his room.

"Damnit.... Dad....?" Charlie said as she was worried and even confused by what he meant. She then looked around and noticed Alastor wasn't here anymore. "Where did Alastor go now?! I swear.... He doesn't stay out here too long... Ugh..."

"I don't give a fuck about Alastor" Husk said as he drinks his booze, it was true since well.... Alastor has him on a leash.

"Husk? This one time when I walked into the bar.... Alastor told you something about keeping something a secret, what's that about???" Angel asked, genuinely curious as Husk just looked afraid as he spat out his booze.

"That's uh.... None of your business...." Husk said, as he was afraid to tell anyone, especially to the person he loves(Angel Dust). It was mainly because he was afraid of what Alastor would do to him if he told anyone.

"Did he threaten you, that bad Husk?" Angel asked as he was becoming worried about him.

"O-of course not...! It's all good...!" Husk tried to convince Angel.

"Ok then...?" Angel said as he was worried about him.

"Whatever.... But Alastor is acting strange... It's just hard to tell how he is feeling..." Charlie said as she was confused by Alastor and why he barely ever comes out.

"It's Alastor, I'm sure he is fucking fine" Husk said as he rolled his eyes.


Alastor was in his room as he sat down on his bed before hearing a knock on the door, he sighs before he answered it and saw Lucifer at the door.

"Ah... Lu... L-lucifer.... What are you doing here....?" Alastor said as he avoided eye contact as his ears drooped down. Then Lucifer stood up on his tiptoes to reach him before pulling Alastor down to his level as he kissed him as he separated from him. "Al.... Please don't leave me... I don't care that you are below me..... I'm the literal King of Hell and you are an overlord.... Also so what if that TV judges us? He could fuck himself! Also whatever Lilith told you.... Fuck her, she doesn't make the rules.... I truly love you Al.... And I don't want to lose you...." Lucifer said as he tears up. Alastor couldn't help but tear up as well as he said, "I.. I just thought it was for the best for you...."

"The best for me...? The best for me is you Al.... Please.... I don't want to lose you like how I lost Lilith and Charlie those centuries ago..... Please stay with me...." Lucifer said as he continues to tear up as he holds onto his chest. "Lu..." As he said that he couldn't help himself but to pick up Lucifer and started kissing him, leading to a make out session as he closes and locks the door.

To be continued!!

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this!! Eat up! I had to make a little fluff for makeup from the last chapter! So here's a chapter with both angst (at first) and fluff!!!

"Alastor's feelings..." An Appleradio Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن