Chapter 2

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Lucifer just came out of his room and quickly teleports downstairs as he was excited to see his wife again, he then saw his ring as he took it off real quick and made sure it was sparkly clean and put it back on afterwards. Charlie was making sure everyone was here but then she noticed Alastor wasn't here.

"Uh, does anyone know where Alastor is at??" Charlie asked looking at the others.

"Not since he woke me up and I pushed him out of my room so not sure" Lucifer said as he shrugs.

"Ooo you two must be fucking~" Angel said with a smirk while Lucifer gave a disgusted look on his face.

"Angel no, my dad is straight and would want to get back to mom which is my main plan to do after all!" Charlie said with confidence before she went to the door and opened it only to see Lilith standing there as she hugs Charlie.

"Oh hello Charlie! It's been awhile since I've seen you!" Lilith said with a cheery tone in her voice.

"Hi mom! I'm happy to see you again!" Charlie said with a smile as she hugged her mom. "Also dad is here!!" As Charlie said that Lucifer went to them with a nervous smile only because he hasn't seen her in years.

"Oh hey Lucifer.... It's been awhile, huh?" Lilith said awkwardly.

"Yeah..! I really missed you Lilith..! I know you said we should take a break from each other.... But I love you so please come back to me my love...." Lucifer said as he pleaded for her to return back to him.

"Actually... Let me think about it Lucifer... I'll let you know if so, alright?" Lilith said as she looked around for her "pet".

"Sure thing Lilly!" Lucifer said with a goofy grin on his face.

"Well I'll go pick my room, be right back Charlie!" Lilith said before heading to the hotel room and locked the door.

Alastor was still in his room as he was still conflicted with his feelings but soon he was teleported to a room where Lilith was in as Alastor glared at him before snarling at her.

"Oh my! How is my little pet?~" Lilith said with such enthusiasm.

"Fuck off Lilith"

"Aw, don't say that to your owner.... I can literally kill you y'know?" Lilith then said in a threatening tone. "Also I thought I said to make sure this place doesn't work? To make sure my daughter gets the hint that this place is useless, understood, hm?"

"I am NOT your fucking puppet..." As Alastor said that Lilith then pulled him on a pink chain up close to her face while she glared at him.

"Actually you are, so quit the fucking attitude and listen..." Lilith said as she threw Alastor to a wall. "Now behave my pet! And do as I say for once...." As Lilith said that she threw him to a wall again then left the room leaving Alastor in the room.

"I need to get out of this..... Charlie still owes me that favor.... So that has to come as soon as possible..." Alastor then mumbled to himself as he got himself up and teleported back to his room, he didn't want to be around Lilith anyways.


It was nighttime now and Alastor was still in his room. Charlie was getting worried about him so she went to her dad to help.


"Yes my little apple slice?"

"Well... Dad.... Alastor hasn't come out of his room since earlier when I told him to come get you.... I was wondering if you could check on him... Please..?"

"Charlie... I... I don't know... You know I don't exactly like him really...." Lucifer said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Please dad, for me?" Charlie then begged her dad.

"I... Fine only for you my little apple seed...." Lucifer said as he couldn't say no to Charlie's face.

"Yay!" As Charlie said that she gave her dad a hug then went off to go to Vaggie. Lucifer sighs as he teleports in front of Alastor's door, he then knocks on the door.

There was no answer, so Lucifer decided to teleport himself in and noticed Alastor just covering himself in a blanket burrito, he wasn't asleep of course, he just frog blinks as he looked at the bed frame.

"Hey, what's with you deer boy?" Lucifer said as he stared at Alastor annoyed.

"Get out of my room"

"Hmm... No! Besides Charlie wanted me to check on you so I might as well annoy you doing so"

"Ugh..!" As Alastor said that he then sat up and glared at Lucifer. "I hate yo—" He then didn't finish for some reason, he couldn't as he stared into Lucifer's eyes, his face, his hair, his height, his small body, everything about Lucifer seems to interest the deer as a blush crept on his face.

"Hate you too asshole" Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes.

"..... You look nice..." Alastor then mumbled.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you right"

"Uh... I meant to say that you look ugly and your hat looks stupid!"

"Oh you bitch-" Lucifer said as he glared at Alastor.

"Hm no I'm no female dog! Besides I hate dogs! Haha!" Alastor then decided to joke around to mess with Lucifer.

"You fucker!" Lucifer sprints towards him to fight him, while he was fighting Alastor, he ended up being on top of Alastor while fighting which was an odd position to be in.... Alastor quickly noticed this as his became flustered as he pushed off Lucifer with his tentacles as he stood up and turned the other way since he felt his cheeks heating up and hearing his heartbeat wondering what the hell was that.

"You scared to fight?!" Lucifer then made a smug grin.

"... Leave now, I'm not in the mood!" Alastor then said as he still had his back turned so Lucifer doesn't look at his face.

"Fine then, I'll just tell Charlie that you are perfectly fine" Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes then left. Alastor on the other hand grabbed his chest as his heartbeat was somehow beating rapidly. He was confused, but he then remembered the chats him and his two gal pals had back when they were alive and how they explained love, well mostly Mimzy, while Margaret's explanation of love sounded like she was confused by it. Well back when they would hang out when her husband wasn't around so Alastor and Mimzy could hang out with her at times, well mainly Alastor since Ricardo wasn't fond of him, Alastor wasn't sure why that was.

And when he had his chat with Rosie, she would usually speak of love by how her clients talked to her about it.

That's when Alastor realized..... He loves the King of Hell.... Oh fuck... He actually fell in love with the King of Hell himself.... He didn't know what to do but to sit down on his bed and ponder a bit, wondering what he should do... As he puts his hand on his face as his face was even showing some distress from the sudden realization.

The problem was... That Lucifer was still somehow in love with Lilith.... Which made Alastor start to tear up, the last time he ever teared up was for his mother's death....

He hated this feeling.... He wanted it to go away....

But then he thought about being chained by Lilith.... Oh how much he hated her.... Since she stole his soul.... He smiled at the thought.... Maybe he might just have to steal her man with his charm?

To be continued!!

I was tempted to make another chapter, sorry!🥲

"Alastor's feelings..." An Appleradio StoryWhere stories live. Discover now