Chapter 3

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It has been a couple of days since Lilith came, Lucifer been trying to swoon Lilith back with Charlie's help but no luck, on the other hand Alastor has attempted to charm Lucifer but it hasn't worked or Lucifer was too busy simping for Lilith to notice. Which annoyed Alastor. Lucifer please notice this gay ass deer for once please.

One day when Alastor was heading to the kitchen to get his venison from the fridge he then noticed Lucifer throwing away his venison.

"The hell are you doing with my food?!"

"Oh this? Sorry I'm not having a dead deer in my daughter's kitchen to stink it up!"

Alastor's eye twitched as he said, "Well I'm also the hotel manager here so I CAN keep my food!"

"No, this kind of stuff shouldn't be in my little girl's kitchen! So stop being a cannibal and eat NORMAL food!" Lucifer said as he crossed his arms before sticking out his tongue. Which, Alastor was annoyed that he snarled at him running to him as he tripped before falling on top of him. Alastor felt uncomfortable being in such a position as he quickly got up as his face was clearly flustered from embarrassment and had an asexual attack since being in that position made him feel uncomfortable.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Lucifer asked as he raised his eyebrow as he got himself up.

"It's nothing..!" Alastor said as a blush was shown on his face as his ears went down.

"Oh my! That fluff was your ears?!"  I thought it was just how you designed your hair-" Lucifer said as he quickly noticed Alastor's ears.

"Of course they are ears, why wouldn't they be?" Alastor said as he rolled his eyes.

"They are actually pretty cute- I wanna pet them" Lucifer said.

"What? N-no" Alastor nervously said as his blush was shown more.

"Pleeaasssseeee" Lucifer then begged as he made a pleading face. Which surprisingly worked for Alastor.

"I... Fine..." Alastor said as he sat down on a chair so Lucifer could reach him since he is a short king. Lucifer then got excited as he went up to Alastor and pet his ears, and to his surprise the ears were soft, Alastor was blushing as his heart was racing, his little tail was wagging, luckily it was still hidden underneath his coat. Then all of a sudden, Alastor started to purr which confused the short king.

"Oh? You can purr too??" Lucifer raised an eyebrow, curious about this.

"I... Uhm..." Alastor said, and that's when Lilith walked in.

"Pardon me, I am not interrupting am I?" Lilith said as she quickly gave Alastor a glare then looked at Lucifer with a normal looking face.

"Lilly!! Of course not!!! I was just petting his ears that's all! Basically like a pet?" Lucifer said trying to find the words which struck Alastor in the heart which he basically was hurt by hearing that.

"I see... Hey Luci.... While I think about it, perhaps I could have a memory of our time together from our old days... Like perhaps maybe peg you?~" Lilith said as she got closer to Lucifer which made him flustered.

"Oh..! Wowie of course! Please peg me mommy!" Lucifer said being a simp, which made Alastor jealous as quickly went to Lucifer's side and picked him up. "Huh?? Put me down you dumb deer!!"

"Actually no because this little shortie needs some rest! Good day!~" Alastor said as he left the kitchen still carrying Lucifer in his arms, which angered Lilith.

"Alastor put me down!!" Lucifer then squirms in Alastor's arm trying to get free.

"No! You need sleep!"

"I'm a grown ass man! I can handle myself!"

"But your height says otherwise!~" Alastor teased him as he went into the elevator still carrying him, then pressed the top floor button.

"But this was the one opportunity to have her peg me...."

"Pardon what does peg me?" Alastor said as he never heard such a word before, he just hated how Lilith was sounding flirtatious towards Lucifer.

"Oh, just sex!" Lucifer grins very goofy like while Alastor just made a disgusted face.

"Gross.... I hate sexual interactions..." Alastor said in a disgusted tone.

"Hm... What do young folks call you... Oh yeah! You're an ace!" As Lucifer said that Alastor then tilted his head in confusion.

"I don't know what that is, please explain" Alastor said being puzzled about that.

"It means you are asexual meaning you either have little to no sexual attraction for anyone, for your case you have no sexual attraction" Lucifer then explained to him.

"I see... I guess that suits me.. I honestly never heard such a term like that back in my time...." Alastor said as they were at the top floor now.

"Neither have I! I just studied a bit of it or just heard what the other sins tell me on our meetings since they keep up with the times a lot more than me" Lucifer said as he shrugs. "Also please put me down deer boy"

"Ah... But of course your majesty..." Alastor said as he puts Lucifer down.

"Well you ruined my fun with Lilith... Which is unforgivable! But I suppose... You're somewhat a decent person I guess... So instead of the bickering... For Charlie's sake, shall we be friends?" Lucifer said looking over at Alastor. Alastor on the other hand was hurt for a bit for being put in the friend zone but it was a start I suppose.

"S..sure..." Alastor hesitantly said looking to the side.

"Alright, good night then, even though I hardly sleep but whatever" Lucifer said as he headed straight to his room to continue making more little duckies in the meantime.

Alastor just watched him go to his room, then went to his room until Lilith was in there waiting to hurt him again.

"Get out" Alastor snarled at her, then Lilith grabbed him by the pink chain and threw him into a wall.

"Why are you getting close to my husband?!"

Alastor then laughed as he glared at her. "You have my soul.... I might as well take your man away~" Alastor said with a smug grin on his face.

"You little...! Just saying he will never love a disgusting sadistic cannibal like you!" Lilith said as she kicked Alastor in the stomach before disappearing to her own room.

".... We'll see about that...." Alastor said as he changed into his nightgown, but since he doesn't sleep, he decided to pass the time to read a book or do his usual night activities he would usually find amusing to do. Like scaring everyone when they pass by him in the hallway, stuff like that basically.

To be continued!!

Another chapter for you guys to enjoy! So here you go!

"Alastor's feelings..." An Appleradio StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang