"Y, yes!"

Seon Ahyun nodded eagerly.

'Are you asking for advice from a beginner who started his career through auditions?'

I tried to hide how cold I was feeling by coming up with a theory based on Seon Ahyun's status window.

"I think you are thinking too much."

Seon Ahyun seemed shocked.

"U, u, useless...."

"It's not that your thoughts are useless. I think you're even thinking about things that you don't need to think about. How about clearing your head?"

Let's add a more specific example.

"Just think 'I'm going to make this happen'."


Seon Ahyun seemed to be lost in thought. What a contradictory response for someone who has just been advised to clear his mind.

Anyway, the words that came out immediately were positive.

"O, okay... I will do it."

His face showed his determination, so it didn't seem like he was saying empty words.

But he seems to be burning with passion more than I expected? There was also strength in the shoulders.

Besides, he even mumbles something—it was probably something like 'I can do this'.


Hmm, did I have any talent for advice to this extent?

As soon as I started having doubts, the status window popped.

['When I heard it, you're right (C)' activated!]

-Target: Seon Ahyun

-Effect: Activation of characteristics by successful persuasion

I see. It looks like the probability of this 35% was shown.

I didn't know I could use it this way—but it seemed quite useful due to the nature of this program.

Of course, this is assuming that it opened through 35%.

First, I turned on Seon Ahyun's status window to see exactly what had changed.

[Name: Seon Ahyun]

Vocal: B- (A)

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